I've had this on my Prius for about 2 months now, bought it from that guy. Makes my Magnetic Grey Prius a man's car.
I'm considering (now or in the future) a big 4x4 sticker on each side or a NASCAR number (24 or 20, go Toyota Tony)
I bet you could buy another one and duck tape it on the right side. I bet it would look pretty sweet.
Then cement some solar panels, even imitation ones, to the roof of your Prius to get everyone really confused.
So can you tell what the brand is? I have been looking for the right fit and he seems to have found it. Others I've looked at are too long or short, or have the wrong angle. I've seen some on the net that look almost right, for half the price he's quoting, but I'd rather not play shipping tag with them until I find the right one.
I've wanted to somehow put a visible tail pipe on the Prius. Seems, to me, the backend is missing something down there. I actually like the look, it's clean, fits well and doesn't affect the Prius exhaust backpressure and since it's a removable jewelry item, it works for me. ZC1
Interesting.....one tip for ICE exhaust and the other for the traction motor exhaust?? Gotta love it!!
instead of designing an exhaust tip that would compensate for the stock downward angle , now he has created an upward angle. A complete V angle. Looks like one exhaust tip is used to mount and the other if left for show, would look ridiculous at an angle or from under the car.