Bluebonnet, that is very weird. I called that dealership today, they were one of the ones I had contacted initially, & they told me I would be #45 on their list. The only problem I had w/them is you are not signing a contract w/them so your price is not locked in. If Toyota keeps raising their prices you have to pay it. The person I talked to today seemed to think it would be at least Oct. before they would get to me at #45. He also told me it was take what they get no choice as far as pkg or color. What were they telling you? I currently have my $500 deposit at RR Toyota & they were extremely nice & I signed a contract w/them that locks the price in. The only negative feedback that I would give is that they are not real good about saying when they think they will be able to get a car to you. They just say they don't think it will be to long. I finally told my salesman today that I needed something a little more definitive then that.
Hi Kittycat, Not signing the contract is a concern for me as well. I am going to call around tomorrow to see if any dealerships will lock in today's price. FWIW, I had been looking at a Mazda CX-9 and the car I wanted needed to be ordered. They would neither lock in a price nor guarantee any dealer incentives. I had to take what was available at the time of purchase. The salesperson tried to assuage my fears by telling me it could possibly work in my favor. Uh-huh. The salesman at Northpark said that I would improve my chances of getting a car sooner if I could be flexible on the color choices so I gave him a list of four colors that would be acceptable to me in order of preference. He did say that due to the backlog I may be getting an '09, depending on their release date. I am amazed that we called on the same day and I am already 6 slots below you. I guess they had a busy day!
Well, you know you already moved up 1 spot because I took my name off the list this evening. Like I told you I signed a contract w/round rock toyota(I think they use to be classic) & they did let you lock in the price & it was a refundable deposit but all of that was on May 1st. I don't know if they've changed their policy since then. Boerne told me that I would probably be getting a '09 also but he didn't say how much the price was going to be going up on the 09's. Hope you get a good deal. RR & Boerne were both not selling above MSRP so that was a good. Did you ever find one to test drive?
Haven't found one to test drive yet. I will probably end up renting one for a weekend. I'm going to call RR Toyota tomorrow and see if I can make any headway with them. If it is not against the rules, would you mind letting me know the name of the salesperson you worked with? I would love to have a clear picture of what i am getting myself into price-wise. Thanks!
given the gas prices, they are flying off the lots ; the dealers sell them about as fast as they come off the trucks and get washed and prepped. so the 'go rent one' comment isn't such a bad idea. you can keep it 2, 3 days and get a much better test drive. eventually toyota will [hopefully] ramp up the production sufficiently where they're plentiful again. or maybe you can convince an austin PC member to take you for a spin. I can't help , i'm several hundred miles north on i35. good luck
That was the best advice you've been given. You should thank that guy. Test drives at the dealership are a joke, what can you really gain from one? Rent on for a day or two, drive it on you normal routines, that will tell you everything you need to make a decision.
I've decided to bite the bullet and rent one to drive. I'm still amazed that dealers around here don't keep ANY demos on their lots for potential customers. That just rubs me the wrong way for some reason.
I test drove a Prius at RR Toyota a few weeks ago - it was one of their rental cars. I was put off, however, because I'd called the day before to ask if they had a car to test drive - yes - and then when we got there, they said they didn't... that the car they had was a customer's who'd been kind enough to leave it on the lot for people to look at (roll eyes). The no-smoking sticker gave it away. They finally let us drive it. Despite that hoopla (and countless emails w/ other dealerships), I wound up putting down a deposit last week & was told it could take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. The main reason I wound up going w/ RR Toyota was because their list was one of the shortest (supposedly), no 'market adjustment,' the deposit was refundable & I locked in a price (MSRP, obv). Now I just get to sit back and wait patiently. (heh!) My husband & I rented a Prius for four days - would recommend.
I am not an attorney, but I don't see how any dealer could keep your deposit, if you don't accept delivery of the vehicle. State laws may vary, but in NC there is no way they can keep your deposit.
I haven't had any problem w/any dealer telling me that it wasn't a refundable deposit but I know that others have posted that they have had that problem.