I am going to be adding some access hatches to the rear of the Zhang Heng. These are basically to cover the spaces where my Fuel Economy Test sign go. I have 3 preliminary designs. Which do you think goes best with the Prius? Hatch 1 Hatch 2 Hatch 3
I like 1 and 3. 1 looks like too much and 3 looks a little plain. I would have to see an actual hactch from the Enterprise or shuttle craft to to really decide.
I like Hatch 3 the best but the color scheme feels a bit off. Seems like there should be a little bit of red and gold in there.
I like the more "rivety" looking #1 but that might be a techie bias on my part. The Enterprise lines over the various generations of show were possibly a little cleaner than the "fighter plane" jobs that some folks have done [which, nonetheless, as they do the line-of-rivets thing along the seams and all, are really cool]. . This is just gonna be more vinyl graphic, correct? Or were you planning any intrusive changes to the hatch metal.. . _H*
#3 is the best of them all I think but it seems to be missing something and I can't quite figure out what's missing.....
I'm going to have the vinyl graphics on sheet metal squares, which can then be super velcroed onto the back of the hatch. The only permanent change may be damage to the paint by the adhesive backing of the velcro. I'll be able to intercahnge any design I want on 8x8 inch squares.
Avoid the sharp corners on the hatch. If you want to know why, all the scars on my head will be the clue.
I'm really going to make myself look like a nerd on this one. The button design on the little keypad on your hatches is from the NextGen era, you might want to use button designs from the era your "shuttlecraft" is from. Just a suggestion
I am surprised you cadets did not catch it!... An LCARS ACCESS TAB on display, How is the main computer know you've punched in your access code without the ... L ibrary C omputer A ccess R etrieval S ystem to enter your access code and release the locking clamps! The Deuterium Loading port cover on the pilots side aft should also get proper access markings. As far as choice ...#3 for the layout, but use the Graphics size from #1 Keep thinking on how to get the MFD software to display Okudagrams!!! 73 de Pat KK6PD
I like three. Don't like all of the rivets in #1. Don't like the color or design in #2. #3 is easiest to read.
Well, I am going to keep the Next Gen LCARS design. Era consistency is not my top priority, and I am using LCARS everywhere else I can. And if you are into trivia, there is another mistake, repeated in all three designs. I thnk design three needs an area of grillwork or louvres, although there would be no reason for these to be on an access hatch.
I realize that about every third episode had some crewmember removing a louvred cover and crawling through it but louvres on a spacecraft (or submarine) are a recipe for disaster.
Well it's a trivial thing, and there's good reason to do it the way you've done but if memory serves, the touch pads (I suppose you're calling it LCARS... a term I don't remember hearing in TNG) are usually not on the panels themselves, but off to the side. Since presumably the panel would be removed when opened, it makes more sense to have the touch pad next to it rather than on it.... Obviously a vinyl or other appliqué would be easier to do in one piece though. So, I agree that #3 is closest to your theme, if you shrink down the brown patch on the bottom just a little. The riveted look might be more appropriate to a craft's exterior, but I think the graphic might look disruptive without continuing the rivets in other graphics. If you're going to put this on metal and attach via velcro, you should either bevel the metal with a file to get rid of sharp edges/corners that could mar your finish, or clip the corners of the plate and fold the edges around back so you have rounded edges... or some kind of laminate around the edges.
Is your shuttlecraft featured in parades? Star Trek Conventions? or is it only for going where beaming is inappropriate? I vote for three, and a nice set of vulcan ears or romulan eyebrows.
Have you considered magnetic mats instead of the velcro? Wouldn't that be less likely to damage the paint?