I think I am losing my mind.....first I dump the truck for the Prius. I actually have been turning OFF the car A/C over the last week. (something I have never done) and today I caught myself listening to public radio...........as a lifelong Rebublican and never really a "green" person quite a shock to me. Me thinks I better go and see a doctor, what's next..... It is all happening so fast.......................need to go a lie down....
Don't be nervous, take a slow breath, just relax ...deeply the transformation is almost complete.....! ZC1
Oh, no!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for warning me about the symptoms I might experience once I get mine. It will be a shock, for sure.
Ever since I bought a Prius, I have been the office "Green Guy". People have asked me to explain what the recycling codes mean.
I see artisan bread, skinny lattes and farmer's markets in your future....and soy milk not far behind....be careful there cowboy.
If it will make you feel better, you should go get your gun permit and start carrying a concealed weapon. Also, hang a pair of the vehicle testicles from the rear bumper. That should help.
Too funny! Same thing here - since I drive an EV, everybody assumes that I'm an expert on recycling codes. I kid you not.
Too funny...I bought my indoor composter the same week I got on the waiting list for my Prius!!! NatureMill: Automatic Indoor Composter for anyone who's interested!!
Wow, I've never seen that one. Thanks for the link! Please let me know how you like this unit after you've had it for a while. I see on their website that they have a unit for pet waste as well, but I would be reluctant to use pet waste in the garden. I guess that's what I've always learned from the wise women back in my family's generations is never to use carnivore waste in the (vegetable) garden.