I've just gotten on a 12-14 week waiting list for an '08 Prius. My parents and GF swear I'll hate it b/c for the last three vehicles I've had mid size pickups...I don't own a boat, and I don't haul anything. The most I've used my truck for is moving people, hauling 2X4's and sheetrock..So, how much can people actually fit in one of these things??...I remember awhile back someone had posted a picture of a Prius loaded down with material for a fence...Pictures are worth a thousands words so I can stop having my GF complain
If I ever go to a Prius show, I'm gonna hold a contest to see how many people we can stuff into a Prius. I'm betting the results will surprise me. What are you reasons for buying a Prius? ZC1
I drove almost 17,500 mi. last year and spent over $2800 on gas, with the current situation on gas it costs me $74+/- to fill my truck. I figure on a Prius at $4 gas it will save me $1900/year. Plus my truck has some rear end issues...I've always been a "Chevy person", but they just don't seem to anything that competes with a Priius in terms of mileage, but also features, reliability, etc...I have a couple of friends who've let me borrow it while they were out of town and it was great
we've used the prius to move three times... our kitchen table and 4 chairs fit in there pretty easily with room to spare. as does our coffee table- which is fairly big. also our big book cases. basically, we can move everything except the major stuff (ie bed, couch, washer/dryer) in the prius. we've also moved a dishwasher (sold it, delivered to the buyer), a big roll of carpet remnant, a bunch of very long pvc pipes, a parrot cage, and lots of other misc stuff. i quit taking pictures ages ago because nothing really surprises me anymore.
$6,000 in fireworks? I use a Coleman twin-sized inflatable matress for long trips. If you push the front seats forward there is plenty of "camping" room in the car and if you leave the vehicle in "ready" mode you can keep the car warm o cold nights.
Oh my gosh! To Passenger: "Okay, put your seat belts on, we're ready to go, got her all full now. To Driver: "Hold on, I gotta have a cigarette" Overheard: Noooooooo ZC1
Hahaha you guys crack me up! My racing club had a fireworks stand a couple of years ago and I was nominated to pick up new supplies. What made the trip even more funny is that my passenger had to hold a case of fountains on his lap and a case of sparklers between his legs. He is literally an Asian rocket scientist too. Good times!
New car--1st trip to Costco,(6 hrs away) got 2 full shopping carts. That just filled the floor & back seat. Went in and got another wagon load full of bulky papertowel, TP, kleenex, dog food,etc. No problem and I still got 49 mpg, VERY loaded. The next week, Dh started building a solar H2O system and the 10 ft aluminum frame pieces fit in with ease, plus all his tools,etc I'm psyched--I traded in my Camry wagon and really thought I'd miss the extra room, but so far have not. Even the 2 German Shepherds are comfy...
ummm, a full size Yamaha Maple Custom absolute drum-set. 22" kick, 10", 12" 14" toms....2 snares, 2 hardware bags (34" and 48" long), 1 cymbal case, 2 anvil briefcases, drum throne, drumcarpet, a backpack and 1 piece luggage...coffee, red bulls, my Ipod and cell phone....had room for a passenger if need be and still got 48.3 mpgs average.....lovin it.....Kev
you can put ten foot boards in a prius.. Also.. much like old Ramblers. .if you remove the head rests and push the front seats up all the way.. it will lay flat like a bed. Don't let teenagers borrow your Prius!!
How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Well the wood that a wood chuck could chuck is the wood that a wood chuck would chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood...
I have personally loaded a 2'-6" x 6'-8" interior door, several 8' long 2" x 4"s, a few 10' lengths of copper pipe, some 10' lengths of interior moulding and a 9' willow tree, just off the top of my head. Oh and two adults comfortably with luggage and Christmas gifts for a family of 10.
Here's a shot from our cross-Canada camping trip a couple of years ago. Two tents, four sleeping bags and mattresses, stove, barbecue, cooler, duffle bags and backpacks, food, dishes...oh, and several teddy bears along with four people. Yeah, there's lots of room.
I put a 16"x22" bass drum in soft case, 3 tom-toms in hardshell cases, snare in hard case and a 3 1/2 ft. x 12x12" hardware case in the cargo area, leaving the front pass. seat empty. All done on a rental, I'm not even an owner. Few minor changes to the 3rd Gen, 'lil more power, driver seat and steering wheel adjustments and I'll be linin' up for one