I not really in the market for another car, but just had a look at prices for used Prius', private party and dealers ... Pricey! example, a 2004 with Navigation/jbl, HOV stickers, but 90,000 miles .... $19,900 asking price. Kelly blue book excellent cond. ... $14,700 Also noticed a bunch of 'salvage title, theft recovery' Prius', 2nd generations, priced up around $16k. Don't mean to be so negative, but geeeez.
Yeah, I've been seeing more of the "hybrid" overpricing here as well...here's one!2001 Toyota Prius Hybrid Seems like anything with "hybrid" in the description automatically gets doubled!
Here's the one I was speaking of, but yeah, yours beats that! 2004 Toyota Prius with Carpool HOV Stickers and Nav
I don't know that you're being negative as much as you're having pretty much the same reaction of alot of people around here. For myself, I keep rationalizing it as simply supply and demand, and I keep repeating the mantra of "it'll get better when the demand slows." At the same time I can't stop watching this feeding frenzy that's going on in the Prius pond. The more grissly and gastly it gets the more I keep thanking my lucky stars that I bought when I did, and the more amazed I get at the prices that people are asking for the Prius in various states of repair (new, to salvage titles, to "good for parts only.") I also have real sympathy for those folks around here who have had their Prius totaled in one way or another. It's got to be a fair pain to get a replacement at this point. Somehow I don't think that anyone's insurance is going to cover a rental for two months while you wait for your new Prius to arrive. On top of that, they're likely going to have to pay a premium price for a replacement. Hopefully this all settles down soon.
then if I could get more for my new one than I paid, I still couldnt afford to buy it back! Neat the way panic works in folks.
yep, used Priuses are way overpriced. I spent about 4 - 6 months trying to find a reasonably priced used Prius and finally gave up and purchased new for not much more (than used). Granted, new Priuses are now selling for MSRP and I was able to buy for below invoice. If you're looking for a deal, you may need to wait till the next gen Prius is out in about 1 year (maybe?).
The recent price increase in gasoline has put quite a few people into panic mode. Consequently the demand for Prius automobiles is quite high. Personally I think that used Prius automobiles are over-priced. This is especially true when a new Prius (with the standard factory warranty) is available for only a few thousand dollars more. As long as the price of gas continues to increase at the current rate, the Prius will be a sought after automobile. If the price of gasoline stabilizes, the demand for Prius automobiles will decline a bit. Toyota knows that it is only a matter of time before they have competition from other vehicle manufacturers. Consequently, it is a good bet that Toyota will continue to make as many Prius automobiles as their factories can produce. Keith
If you insist on bringing logic into this, then it would only be fair to add "...without lowing the price by a red cent." No, I think you're right, when the demand slacks, by whatever mechanism, the price will stabilize at a more realistic value. Until then, it appears that the wild west was a tame and safe place compared to the Prius market.
prius, other hybrids, and several other types of car. anything you can use to downsize and still carry all your crap
LOL....but pardon moi, I don't have "crap", I've got junque...there is a difference you know.... but whatever you call it, if you've got to haul it, then you're absolutely right
Actually, we had this discussion in my family already. If it's "mine" it's stuff. If it's "yours" it's junk. If it belongs to someone outside the family it's "cr@p".
This ought to have our republican and neo-con friends rejoicing. Free market and all that, right? Limited supply, strong demand -- Toyota has the right to make some money, right? And cycledrum, I mean this the nicest possible way, but: http://www.angryflower.com/bobsqu.gif Anyway. I'm glad I got mine before the gas panic started. Three years before it started, in fact. I'm not enjoying the price of everything else going up, but I can still go 400+ miles for 30$; that's one less thing for my family budget to worry about.
This one is my favorite: Cars For Sale: Car Details - AutoTrader.com If the link doesn't work, it's a 2002 with 60k on the odometer for only $22,988. Oh, and it has wheel locks, which is an expensive option. On autotrader, there are seventy-seven 2001-2003 Prius' for sale right now. The average asking price is now $12,800. The lowest price is $3900, but it is a totaled car that has not been fixed yet.
ECON 101...supply and demand To buy my Prius, I had to sell my 06 VW Jetta diesel. I owned that car for 1.5 years, put 40,000 miles on it and sold it for $1500 less than the original sticker (more than my NEW Prius). VW didn't sell any diesels in the US from 06 till present and hence the values of the 06 were thru the roof. I didn't make up the rules, I just utilized them to my advantage...I now have better milage (+10 mpg), better reliablility and better enviro impact. When Toyota comes out with Gen III, if the milage increase is good enough and my Gen II is in demand enough, I'll do it again.
Angryflower doesn't mention the most common exception (and violation?): the possessive of "it" is "its". "Its feet are out of the bag."
I could sell my car right now and probably make a nice little profit on it compaired to what I bought it at in November 07. It's Supply and demand at its finest!