Of course the real joke may have been on the "power" end anyway, as the "powers-that-were" could not fathom the limits and total costs of our oil dependency.
Well, I was going to waste my time responding to this *coff* person *coff* but, now I see that I needn't. His ignorance is only surpassed by his gullibility. Oh Cleeve, your tinfoil hat is in the rack by the door.
That's cool, I was thinking of swinging by your shop this October during my loooong drive (in the Prius) from AZ to San Fran to drop a friend of the family's daughter off at College (she lives with us, long story) and circle my way through Sacramento to watch my brother-in-laws commencement from CHP school... Oh yeah, pull up a chair, relax, and welcome to PriusChat.
That's why I bought my Prius. In a world where the average family is trying to survive from payday to payday saving the planet is not usually at the top of the list of "things to do today". Getting to work and putting dinner on the table is job #1. The decision to buy "green" is a complicated formula. I believe, that for most people, economics is the first element of the formula. All of the other items are there and all are a plus but it still boils down to $$$. If money were not an issue, I also believe the vast majority would choose "save the planet" over "destroy the planet" as a conscious choice. For most, eating today trumps the loftier goals. Those who say, "I'm going to go out and by a hybrid and do my part to save the earth, regardless of the cost", are very much in the minority. Before the Prius I hear the experts saying, cut down on driving. My first thought was always, "OK, I'll do my part. Do I go to the grocery store or the doctor?" For 90% of Americans that's what it comes down to. It is also something that for many, is all to easy to forget. OK, I did it again. This started out as a 1-2 line post. :sorry:</soapbox> Bob
Buying a Prius doesn't save the planet, it pollutes the planet. Just, less than most vehicles on the road. I believe humans contribute to sudden global temperature change, how much, I don't know.
Can't you be a conservative Democrat? I didn't see anything in the OP's post that said he was a Republican. This isn't a big questions for me but I was curious how you came to your conlusion.
That should be a fun drive. At least it'll be cooler then! lol Hit me up on PM when you are ready to leave. The Prius is great because there are many benefits for everyone and no matter your political leaning there are incentives to own one.
Hi Jack! Haven't "seen" you in a while... That is the nature of the divide in this country right now. I, too, have been guilty of it...labeling. Seems everyone is so quick to judge lately. There is a way back to unity. We've just got to hunt it down. I think it starts with respect. -from cubicleville
Thanks for the friendly greeting, Sam! The server problems and work kept me off initially and now child #3 is due in about two weeks -- been keeping busy! I agree but the nice thing about the great US of A is that we can vote for anyone we want. Also, I like the military point of view that, once elected, the President is the Commander-in-Chief and it doesn't matter who you voted for. I'll vote (absentee) and then follow the lawful orders of the newly-elected President.
Environmental section is very low on action. All the attention seems to be on Flying Spagetti Monsters and the National Restaurant Association Bumper Stickers.
ALL the problems on planet earth can be fixed by stopping having babies! Everybody knows it, nobody wants to talk about it. Nobody has a RIGHT to pollute the earth with more humans. I'm 52 years old and did my share by not reproducing.
While that is one part of the problem, the other parts of the formula for environmental impact are growing in proportion. India has a lot more people than the U.S. yet the U.S. causes more environmental degradation. Consumption is worse than shear population in many cases.
Both of you please take the political discussion into the private FHOPolitics forum. There's no need for political sniping in this thread.