Re: Non-Slip Pads work great! Just bought these from eBay before discovering this thread -- am glad I pulled the trigger. Pads are A+, TOP NOTCH and fit perfectly -- I bought the deluxe kit which fits every possible cavity in the car! HIGHLY RECOMMEND. Nice work, Wilson!
Re: Non-Slip Pads work great! Am I crazy or is this thread being spammed? There are lots of low-post-count members posting rave reviews about a product to buy on ebay? Seems fishy to me, even if it is a good product Anyway, being an artsy kind of person, I'd gladly cut my own pads out of some material, but I know my skills with an exacto blade are un-matched by you lay-people, so I don't expect that to work for everyone. I don't really keep enough stuff in my car to make me crave relief from things rolling around though. Maybe when my daughter is older I'll start to care!
Re: Non-Slip Pads work great! It's not spam. The vendor asks PriusChatters who buy this product to post a review of the product to this thread. Nothing wrong with that.
Re: Non-Slip Pads work great! Aha! good to know! So it's sort of deferred advertising Actually, by asking people to come here, the vendor probably is doing customers more of a service than they do for the vendor with the word-of-mouth. Yay for Priuschat!
Re: Non-Slip Pads work great! Got my set about a week ago, love it. It really does reduce the rattle and makes everything fit better in the cupholders. Also doesn't look aftermarket so it's a great addition without looking cheesy. I wish I had one for the lower glovebox.
Re: Non-Slip Pads work great! i got these for my prius and love them. they fit perfectly & dont move! they come with double sided tape so you can stick them down, esp in drink holders but i have yet to use them. might stick down the rear cup holders because they fall out of place when cup holder is in up position. haven't had that problem on front cup holder at all. like them because they are cut to fit exactly!
Re: Non-Slip Pads work great! I hope you're just kidding with this being a spam. I got the deluxe set and they are great. Excellent service; they fit perfectly and function as intended (stops sliding and rattle.
Re: Non-Slip Pads work great! Got the pads for both my prius and camry. They fit and look great. This is something that everyone should get, decreases rattle, installs in minutes and looks oem ( probably should be).
Re: Non-Slip Pads work great! I just installed the exact 12 piece set two days ago. Other than one cup holder that had to be recut to fit, they fit great, work well and look good too. Something I would have expected Toyota to provide for free, but hey, they gotta let the aftermarket make some money. ZC1
Thanks to this thread, I received a set of 12 interior grip pads which fit beautifully and looked OEM. So why doesn't Toyota provide this kind of detail? Anyways, I'm happy since it was cheap enough, the quality was high and my wife didn't have to make some solution. ZC1
i just wrap a napkin around my drink. solves the problem of liquids ?condensing? on the outside of my ice coffee and dripping down. it also stops any rattling/movement. price? free i am resisting buying extras for my car like this. i feel it is not spending money very wisely. but to each their own! also, now that i think about it.. i will have to check if some of the areas already have this on a 2008, especially the drink holder in front. hm. i think it does but i am not sure.
Re: Non-Slip Pads work great! Just chiming in to add to the list of folks that bought the non-slip pads. They fit perfectly and work very well. Sure I could use napkins and such, but to each his own....I personally felt it was money well spent for me. Between those pads and the MFD Hood (LOVE IT!!!! Makes a HUGE difference...can actually SEE my display on a sunny day) and leather console cover from over at PriusHoods, my car is better than ever
the tray by the radio in front and the cup holder both have some flexy material in it. stock for my touring 2008. i will check other areas later and report back. no wonder i have not noticed any rattles yet. i keep my tire gauge under the radio for example with a pen.
Re: Non-Slip Pads work great! I too bought the pads on ebay and couldn't be happier. A great investment.
Re: Non-Slip Pads work great! PadsPLus on eBay PadsPlus is a great deal - these things are factory perfect and easy to remove and clean. I got kits for the glove box, cup holders and they will work with you if you only need/ant certain pieces.
Re: Non-Slip Pads work great! These pads are great! I highly recomend everyone get a set! They fit perfectly!