I've searched PC, not getting precise information I'm seeking. (BTW, the prod to look at similar threads when you start a new one is great!) Assuming the buttons on the fob could be pressed inadvertently in my pants pocket (it happens with our other remotes), is there a stiff but not hard case that will hold it? Ideally, I'd like to be able to press the fob without removing it from the case, but have the case protect it from accidental activation. (I know, this may be asking too much.) I actually have never seen the Prius fob, and we're a week or so away from picking up the new car. Can anyone lead me by the hand on approximate size of the fob and existence of any made-for-the-fob cases? I don't have to have a Toyota case; if I can find something that works around the house, I'd be happy to use it (I could stencil the Toyota logo on it, I guess.)
I've never had an accidental button press on the fob in my pants pocket. If you get the SKS, you never need to remove the fob from your pants. It works well without a case, although it is a bit bulky. Tom
Hi Fraser, you need to work on your search skills. A PC Google search brought up http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-main-forum/21558-key-fob-holster.html which references RemoteTotes.com. Of course, I have the advantage of having read the original thread contemporaneously.
You worry too much. :hand: I too have never had a Prius FOB remote button activate prematurely . . . after I learned not to carry other stuff in my pocket along with the fob.
Are your other remotes similar to the Prius fob? Same size buttons which do not protrude? Anecdotes make poor evidence, but it's never happened to me in four years.
I never thought of searching for "holster", since I equate that with something hanging from my waist, like a six-shooter or my cellphone. Thanks for that. I was thinking more of a soft plastic thingie. And I always will have something else in my pockets...maybe that's why my Taurus remote sounds off the alarm once in a while.
Richard, I carry Taurus and F250 remotes. I don't know the size of the Prius fob, but my remotes are flat. The Taurus actually is smooth, which may be why occasionally something sets off one of the buttons. The Powerstroke remote (11 years old) actually has slightly recessed buttons. I used cardboard and electrician tape to block off the panic button, which I consider the worst piece of technology (that and the attendant noisemaker in the car) foisted on the car-buying public.
Then a case might be the solution, but you might hold off getting one. The Prius fob often can't be carried in the same pocket as a cell phone, large mass of other keys, coins, etc., because they can interfere with the Smart Key System (the keyless door unlocking and starting system). If they were the cause of the button pushes on your other remotes then you may want to remove them anyway, obviating the need for a case.
Oh, all these decisions!!! Maybe I'll just get a holster and balance the cellphone hanging on the other side. Or hang it on a wrist band. Or wear it like an asafetida bag around my neck to ward off evil gas mileage spirits.
Fraser, I have one I got from a source that I'm going to send you 2 links to. It's the same person, but I think the 1st link is only for the MFD sunshield hood (that I also have & like very much---especially in the summer) that she sells. The 2nd link is to her e-bay store & right now she doesn't list the leather Prius keyfob cover, but that changes from week to week. You could either keep chk'g her e-bay listings or just e-mail her to ask when she'll get some more in. If you can't find a way to contact her, let me know & I can look up her e-mail address for you. The leather fob cover fits the fob nicely & is soft & black & has cutouts for the lock & unlock buttons & a cutout slot for the keyring loop too. There is no cutout for the panic button, but you may want to mark the area of the panic button on the surface of the leather with a little dab of nail polish or something so you know where to push the leather hard if you ever do need to press the panic button. Now here are the 2 links : Edit (Note-- I typed in priushoods.com in this line with the www before it & it had the exact same e-bay address as the next link. When I went to priushoods.com before either with a www before it or by a search engine I don't remember it taking me to her e-bay store. I will have to check that again, so it looks like I have only one link for you (but remember I said it was for the same person anyway). and : eBay Store - Prius Hoods: Hoods, Center Console Covers, Door Armrest Covers I hope this helps you. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
did I hear that right - you can't carry a cell phone in same pocket as FOB? i did today and everything seemed fine. Will keep them in seperate pockets if it's an issue. Just what exactly is the problem with doing this?
Cell phones and other conductive objects if adjacent to the fob can sometimes interfere with the SKS function. But if you haven't had any trouble unlocking or starting the car then no worries.
Hi Fraser, The fob cases from Prius Hoods work really well and are well made. My wife has been using hers over 2 years now. I have not seen them listed on ebay for awhile. You can email Robin at Prius Hoods ( listed on ebay stores) and see if she has any available. Good Luck
I put mine in a mini zip lock baggie,fits perfect, then taped it with clear packing tape. It stays clean, keeps out moisture and is still easy to open if I needed the key, plus it weighs next to nothing and not bulky. Fred
Japanese Prius users love Zippo lighter case, such as... ZIPPO Leather Case They fit our key fob perfectly. Ken@Japan
I looked around the house and found a knife case with velcro on it and the remote just fits in it, works great.....
I discovered a leather Zippo case last night while my wife was shopping for a new watch at Wal-Mart. I had not known such things existed. Case was $7.67, with a metal beltclip. (Watch was $34 for an everyday timekeeper.) Since I wasn't sure of the exact size, I didn't buy it, but from what I've seen here, looks like it will work. I'll wait till I pick up the fob...er, car.