I've been gone from PriusChat for a while due to the server upgrade, I'm surprised to not see a posting regarding the week-long CBS News trip across the country that finished last night. Prius started on west coast, Ford Fusion started on east coast, they met up in Independance Missouri. Video is at Mission Accomplished. - Eye On The Road Prius: Averaged 9.5 cents per mile, even though gas was more expensive out west. They got a door ding and speeding ticket. Ford Fusion: Averaged 15.7 cents per mile. Camera Crew in SUV: Averaged 30 cents per mile.
I was surprised they only got 40 MPG. as in the winter I get 45-47 and now I have been running 50-53 with out trying just driving. So it did not make much sense to me. other than bad advertising for the Prius. We have also driven from MA to NC (also getting a ticket) The car drives very nice even when going too fast. and we did not come close to 40 mpg on that trip. Janice
Yeah, but we would have to stomach watching Katie and the other C . . B.S. crud to have followed it on the national broadcasts. Oh wait, PriusChat is mostly a liberal crowd . . . my bad. Where are the libs who can't get enough of C . . B.S. ???
wonder how high they were speeding? we've both got serious leadfoot and beat 40 mpg over 3k miles on our last road trip.
I can't believe someone who's supposed to be a WRITER pulled a classic misuse of "loose". Argh. . _H*
You must not have listened to the video. She clearly said "loose" her customers. I don't know how anyone can get in the low 40 with a Prius unless you really drive it hard in stop an go traffic and also go 80mph. I tried driving my Prius hard once just for the hell of it and still pulled in the low 50s.
We just finished a trip from Roy, Washington to New Jersey, Virginia, North Carolina and return. Total mileage 7337. Total fuel 160.241 gallons. Total cost $567.51. Average cost per gallon $3.54. Average miles per gallon 45.787. Average cost per mile $.07735. We averaged 49+ mpg going east at the speed limits mostly on cruise control. Bad days in Wyoming, South Dakota, Kansas; snow, ice, and quartering headwinds, and temperature 23 to 30 degrees . While in the east we had many days of short trips, air conditioning, (bad mileage). The trip west (we were in a hurry), did not figure average mileage, but had head winds every day in the 20 to 30 mph range, and some very, very, heavy, hour after hour rain, speed mostly 75 mph with cruise control. Now we are home and averaging our standard 52+ mpg.
I'm an NBC Brian Williams kind of guy. I guess they're liberal too even though they're owned by GE. Every year when I had to vote my GE proxy shareholder votes, I would always write a note requesting that they fire Katie Couric. I guess them must have taken my words to heart.
In addition to the speeding ticket, take another look at the map and notice that the Prius seems to have traveled farther than the other two vehicles. (that half-way point isn't exactly "half way.") Also, 9.5 cents/mile sounds more expensive than a Prius should get. Abq Sfr, thanks for the link! .
After this demo was completed, I wonder what happened to the Prius? ... a fight between the crews who got to drive what vehicles back?
Not all of us get mileage much above 40 mpg. I have had my 07 for 15 months and the lifetime average so far is only 42.9 mpg. I have the tires inflated about 5 lbs over the recommended pressure and use pulse and glide when it is convenient. Driving is probably 60% city and 40% freeway and highway. I keep hoping for more, but so far it hasn't happened.
ok I did not know that. Since I just Drive (and glide when I can) I figured I was on the low end of MPG. Janice
Most self-reported averages of Prius mileage from various websites show real-world results of about 47-50 mpg. Now you can argue that motivated mileage-watchers/optimizers are most likely to report their numbers, but still, beating the new EPA average of 45 mpg is not hard in good conditions. Consumer Reports got 44 mpg on their tests, which I'm sure are not optimized for mileage (you can bet they have standard tire pressure for starters). The only times I've gotten under 40 mpg on a trip is when I drive less than 3 miles at a time, or less than 6 miles when the temperature is under 20'F.
This is more like it: CBS News Coverage of Wayne's Chicago to NYC on a Single Tank of Gas - CleanMPG Forums Shows what can be done with a Prius. Harry