Just got my Prius two weeks ago and I couldn't help but order new vanity plates for the car. Just got them yesterday.. IGO4LES I never bought vanity plates before and decided now is a good time to start. So if your ever in Ohio and see that plate, beep and Wave HI! What are some other personal plates out there? Jon
IGO4LES, That's a good one. I am considering vanity plates for mine as well. I am not creative or imaginative. So does anyone have any suggestions for a really cool plate? I bet no one will "get it" no matter what I use. (I live in Arkansas) Keri
My tag is "07 TCH" Reason: Car is '07 TCH (Camry Hybrid) . Paid an extra premium to get "Clean Fuel" tag (allow HOV use on VA roads <except I95 > ).
I couldn't think of one I wanted that was available. Years ago I had my ham radio call sign, but I've been inactive for so long that I dropped that plate when I got the Prius. I think somebody somewhere had "ITMFA" until the DMV figured out what it meant and pulled it.
I just have boring number plates but I saw a Prius at work a couple weeks ago with Vermont plates that read CO2 REDUX or something similar.
Getting a Prius also induced me to get vanity plates for the first time in over 50 years of driving. CUT CO2
Keri, I live in AR as well. I'm sure I'd get it, but I agree that a lot of the people around here may not.
I have vanity plates that are pet friendly with a pic of a dog and cat on it, and it reads "DOXUN" for my Dachshunds not related to car stuff
My son says it looks like an egg, so I wanted one that said, GRNEGG for Dr. Suess' "Green Eggs and Ham," or SAMIAM (driving the green egg, that would make me the ham...). Alas, I couldn't get any of them, so I settled out with "Go, Egg, Go" from Eastmann's "Go, Dog, Go" and it wasn't until I looked at it for a while that I figured it could also mean, GO EG, GO, as in Electric/Gas. "Do You Like My Hat?"
Vanity plates are only $10.00 more a year in Virginia so I couldn’t help myself. You can go online, choose your plate design, type in your ideas, see them as they would appear on the plate and it will also tell you if the plate is available or not. Not sure of other states. I went back and forth for a while. I thought PRESENC looked the best, but the message LOVL1TE said it all for meJ
I never thought to use Keri. I like that. I wonder if it would be violating some sort of common sense safety thing? I can hear my husband and mom now. You put your NAME on your plate?! Are you crazy?! I would love that. I am kind of wanting to go with something that would make a Prius/Environmental/Gas Saving type statement. I have never had vanity plates before and cannot make up my mind. I guess when I think of or hear the right thing, I will know it. Keep the ideas coming! Hey Brian, where in Arkansas are you? I rarely fess up to living in this state. I live in Texarkana so usually say Texas. Since Texas is where I have lived my whole life until we bought the farm here in Arkansas. Sometimes late at night I would swear I can hear a man with poor dentition say, "Squeal like a pig."