Hey everybody! I just wanted to update my car's performance so far, after almost 2 weeks of ownership (2007 model with 9000 miles, lightly used) and I'm at 51.5mpg with no real effort. Just checked and my tires (from Toyota dealer) are set at 36 front/34 rear. I will be bumping it up to 46/44 and I'll likely see an increase - again, without any real effort except taking it easy on the roadways. I'm digging it! Hey, can somebody tell me how I get that cool signature thingie from greenhybrid dot com that shows your mpg avg? thanks! adam
First thing is to go to the site, sign up and enter your data. Once that is done, you can place the "thingie" in your signature box. Here is one of the threads that includes directions on how to do it and problems people have encountered: how-do-i-add-greenhybrid-siggie-thingy
I still need to focus on keeping a real log for my mpg tracking; but I think I finally figured out the greenhybrid siggy thingie....or maybe not? adam
You've got it! Now, get a log book to keep in the car and a spreadsheet to keep on your computer, and you'll always have the info at hand.