She's a beauty! 20,000 miles....charcoal in color....and the smell of a brand new vehicle. The price? $20,200. A bargain under the circumstances. And I love it!!! Ya see, two weeks ago I decided to let the 14 miles per gallon SUV go. I put her on the internet for sale and for some reason she sold within 24 hours. Little did I know that I'd have quite a challenge finding a good used Prius. Autotrader,, autobytel,, I searched 'em all. Every time I found one, by the time I called it would be gone. Sold. No others available. Dealers told me that they were getting sticker or more for the new ones. They said even some used ones were selling for the original sticker price. Yet no matter what the price, it was difficult to find one...period! But I did. She was sitting at a dealership in a small town in Iowa. 500 miles from my home. She was a sleeper, I tell ya! I just got darned lucky. Oh, and did I mention that I averaged 49 miles per gallon on the trip home?! WOOHOO!!!!
WooHOO is right, That is great news and Congrats on turning in your SUV.. I did the same thing 3 weeks ago, turned in my 2005 Saturn VUE and I don't miss it at all!!!! What part of Illinois are you in?? I'm in the far south Chicago suburbs...
Good Job HH, I did a similar thing back in Jan 2006 to find my car. Nope, I had a SL2 before, not a SUV. Ended up driving it back 384 miles from LaCrosse to Chicagoland in February. Took the train out there, and walked from the station to the hotel, and then in the morning from the hotel to the dealarship. Lots of fun! It was a 6 mo wait for cars back then locally. And I wanted to get in on the Katrina tax credit. Which I did handily. Sold the SL2 a few months later for $ 5K, not great, but it was like I got a $ 8K tax credit, instead of just $ 3K.