Could not find a thread (searched), and my oldest son was curious. I'm not going to risk and encounter with one of our State Troopers to find out, so I thought I'd ask here. How fast will an unaltered Prius go on level ground w/o a tail wind?
104 mph seems to be a very curious number -- It's equivalnet to about 167 kph -- Anyone know the significance of this, if any
I don't know if there's any significance. This discussion came up a few years ago. Someone did some mechanical/electrical calculations and I"m pretty sure they came to the conclusion that the engine/motor combination simply can not propel the car faster than 104. Mind you, some people took this as a challenge and I remember one blurry photo of "106" with claims that this was taken while traveling downhill into San Jose or some similar long, steep decent.
I remember someone posted a youtube vid a while ago and it showed the fuel economy of the Prius going top-speed. The speedometer went up to 108 mph (I know the top speed is supposed to be 104) and he was getting about 20 mpg. Also, the battery was draining rapidly from what I remember.
I haven't gotten it up to 104 but I have got it around 95MPH. I was in the 80's and I was very curious to see how fast I could get it. (the traffic all around me was going the same pace so I didn't stick out). I rarely speed
Wow. I can get my other car up to 104 in 12.5 seconds. Good thing we bought the Prius for fuel efficiency, not performance!
How often does that acceleration come in handy, use it all the time? and what does it cost at the pump? I took mine up to 172km/h on dead flat road and held it there for 10+km with 3 people and luggage on board. Car felt good at that speed and still very little wind noise.
This car had a couple of modifications but still impressive. I saw a short story about this on TV not too long ago. "...where it set a hybrid record speed of 130.794 miles per hour" Landspeed Prius Races Across Bonneville Salt Flats - Motor Trend News Bob
Holy cats! This reminds me of my old desire to die as my grandfather did, peacefully in his sleep, instead of screaming and crying like his passengers.
On the way to Vegas from LA I've had the Prius well over 104. I can't remember exactly right now but it was either 108, 111 or 118 mph. It seemed wierd because I knew the car was supposed to be limited. I am making the trip again in 2 weeks. If conditions are right I may have to test the top speed again. I reported it on another thread when it happend, so that one would be accurate.
I will post proof this car can go past 104MPH sometime this week. I will be heading out on 165, very lonely road. And will get it to 109 for the most part 165 is flat for many miles. My top speed was 109. I read the prius top is 112 somewhere in a spec sheet. Going up an incline you could get it to 104 or so, but risk blowing something
video from youtube. 107 not a huge diffrence though 104 or's nothing..probably depends on the car. Im sure there is a limiter, might be able to hit 115 or so without one on good flat road.
That kind of acceleration can only be done at a drag strip, using racing tires. Regular street tires can't hold the pavement under that kind of torque. It's quite useless in ordinary driving - only in offroad competition. It costs plenty at the pump. I need 93 octane gas, and I get about 12-15 MPG in mixed driving. Not a commuter car, just a weekend toy. The Prius is the everyday car.
What's really amazing is that my old 1964/5 mustang V8 (289ci) was breathin heavy at 90mph. My Prius zips up to 80 and I could be going 45 for how it behaves. Curiosity held my foot down to 95 once and the digits were ticking up at pretty much the same rate that they were at 80. If there is a govenor that stops it at 104, it is probably cutting at least 5 to 10 mph off the straight, flat top end. Credit aerodynamics more than power. Wind resistence is what stops most cars from breaking 100, above which you really have to pile on the power. Prius coefficient of drag, as I recall, is about the lowest amoung regular mass produced cars and this factor would be huge at 100mph. THX for the Holy Cats remark R.S. Shared that with some friends
I had a salesman tell me the top speed was 108. I don't know if he got that from the video or dealer materials they get from Toyota.