...A thread or webpage about upgrading/replacing/modifying the stock main battery system on a second gen Prius? I am thinking of adding some batteries but would like to see what others have used and with what results. I am also thinking of mounting some solar panels to the roof, probably between 75-175 watts to further charge the batteries....Was even thinking of a small wind turbine but would have to figure out a way to regulate the speed. Any useful links would be appreciated.
mounting the solar panels to the roof wil put more drag on the car. and there for probably not improve mpg maybe put soms solar panels in the back and get them out of the car when parked and then put it on the roof.
Solar panels and wind turbines should be installed at home, and then used to recharge your Prius. Attaching them to a Prius is not a good idea, other than to look cool. The drag and weight will cancel any gain. Extra batteries do little to improve fuel economy, unless you do a plug-in modification. Search the forum for "plug-in" and "PHEV". Tom
Unfortunately I could not disagree more. I do not think that the weight and drag of the array would outweigh the benefits of a 200w solar system. That size array could easily fit on the roof in the form of flexible .5V panels. I would venture to say at least a 15-35% increase in fuel mileage would be evident with about $800 for the panels, plus a DC-DC converter and few other parts.
200 W is about a quarter of a horsepower, without considering conversion losses. It won't make any measurable difference in your mileage. But hey, it's your time and money; spend it as you see fit. Tom
when you keep the aerodynamics in tact then YES it will work. i have this picture in mind when i was looking at your first post but when you make it like this LINK or this LINK then your on the right track!
Last year at the Toronto Green Living Show they had a Prius on display with the whole roof covered with solar panels. It was about an inch thick. The claimed MPG was 3L / 100km and if so hardly a drag on MPG. From what I understand this car has made it's way to Hybridfest ... If I find any more info on it I'll post it.