Just curious about your choice of color on your prius and your personality. Some maybe simple and some may not. Being a bit of a rebel, I love black and chose it to compliment my traits. Almost chose the green because i was going green, but i thought that's not the real me. Food for conversation!
I bought white because I'm lazy and its easiest to take care of. Also, its blazing hot here in the Summer but I'm too lazy to move.
I was tired of waiting for my Prius, so the silver pine one that I found became just the color I wanted. (Actually, now that I've had it a while, I really like it and get a lot of compliments on the color.)
Cool. have you ever regretted your color choice and wanted another one? For example, i could have opted (actually my wife could have) for the darker blue (spectra?) but the dealer said that it is usually made with the #2 or #3 options and if ordered, i would have to wait.
I'm a very practical sort, so I bought my SuperWhite for all the practical reasons: most visible on the road, coolest in our hot southern summers, stays clean looking longer - but I also like it's (his) looks. I bought it three days before Christmas, and the book and movie "The Angel Doll" was once again a reminder of the spirit of Christmas. So in honor of one of the main characters, "Whitey," I named my car (and thus my screen name "WhiteyPrius") in his honor.
Blue has always been my favorite color, so going for the seaside pearl was a no brainer. Since I always name my autos after flowers, this Prius is called BlueBell II (B.B. for short). Obviously I had another blue car in my previous life.
Let's see, I've had an arrest me red, Honda. A to cool for you Blue VW. A White trusty rusty Buick. A beige is blaa VW. So now it's a Silver Pine Mica Prius, doesn't blend in with the other cars on the road and always looks good.
I love the color white too, but over here in so-cal, there are PARKING ENFORCEMENT city vehicles, and they use WHITE prius'. If they didn't use that color, I might not have been that rebellious!! here is mine:
I had the choice of the electric crazy bright look at me blue or plain old silver....I picked silver, I like it, dont need to get noticed (but the car does that no matter what color) plus it seems to "hide" dirt better...guess that means i am plain....but i bought the Prius for more on the inside nerdyneess than for the exterior design or color....
Spectra Blue Mica because it blends so well with the Blue Hawaiian skies and water that we have the year around.
I really went looking for a blue one. The dealer had three #2s: White, Black, and Red. I Did Not want a #3 and up. Of the three, I chose the Red, after checking with the wife, of course. <smile> Not at all sorry. Easy to find in the parking lots. Bob
After seeing the title of this thread, I pulled out a book, Nutritional Healing, and wanted to see how their color guru rated colors. I listed the only three colors that match the colors of a 2008 Prius Blue has a relaxing and calming effect. They also claim, "Blue has also been found to make people in hot and humid environments feel cooler." Red stimulates, excites, and warms the body. This is also the color of passion and energy. Black in a "power" color, and induces strength and self-confidence. Currently, I am still waiting for the dealer to find the right color for me. After looking at this, perhaps I need to change my preferred color from Barselona Red to Blue Mica.
I was waiting for the Beige color whatever it's called like my last two corollas to hide the dirt, but got tired of waiting. The only package they had that I wanted that wasn't sold yet was a silver, but it was a touring. Decided I liked the larger wheels and HID headlights, so took it. Now that I have seen all the colors I like the red the best. How much for a paint job?
Hmm, I don't know. I prefer dark blue but that wasn't available. I knew I didn't want silver so I was looking at Tideland Pearl, Salsa Red Pearl and Seaside Blue. My parents said the red looks old (or rather it's too red...). The blue looks too playful so I guess that left Tideland. Regardless of that, I'll still steal a second glance if I see a Seaside or Salsa Red Prius go by cause they're really nice colours. As a side note, it seems like I can never have a blue coloured car lol. The Corolla I was looking at didn't have dark blue and the fortwo I ended up getting is black cause I went with leather so my budget wouldn't be large enough to cover the extra cost for blue paint (Cdn$430).
Barcelona Red did it for me. Beige would have been a nice choice, but my wife's Camry is desert sand mica and the vehicles would have clashed. In addition, the other colors were/are pretty common and I wanted something a bit different. Besides, I'm not afraid of being pulled over, as I hypermile. The only bad property about Barcelona red is that chips can be very visible. I'm going to install the 3M clearguard this week.
In honor of my previous red vehicle I got a red Prius. Also, my grandmother loved red. My second choice was Magnetic gray, or Spectra blue but there weren't any blues available. I like my red a lot, definitely helps find the car in the parking lot and I think it looks snazzier than the lighter colors.
Yoda's red..of all the colors, Barcelona Red and Spectra Blue were my favorites. I suppose I like bright colors; my last car was turquoise. They're just really easy to find in parking lots! Haven't regretted it.
Hmm. I had time to choose a color. Plenty of time (too much time, really), because I had been tracking the Prius for many years. The economics were important to me, and I was not going to take a hit on trading in a car or selling a car without getting the prime dollar for it. Also, I didn't want to be on a long waiting list. By the time things fell together for me, I had time to make a special order. All of this should tell everyone plenty about personality. How does color fit it? Had I the power to select the colors, I would have gone for a rich green color, much like the leaves of a healthy tree - with a hint of blue in it. I also would have liked a deep blue color (not far from the Spectra now offered). Experience, though, shows me that I never wash a car often enough to justify those deep colors. I've had the dark blue and the black. I've had red, too. And silver. The best for me and washing was a champagne metallic. It always looked passably clean. Anyway, I thought the Magnetic Gray looked great. Unfortunately, I could not get it with the right interior color (for me -- I've had a black-on-black car that looked COOL, but was too HOT for me). Red would have been fine. White is not me. Black is great with a bisque leather, but it would be too much work to clean all the time. Silver didn't do it for me. The blue was too light for me. The "tan" color just wasn't deep enough for me. Silver Pine Mica. Bisque Leather interior. (There it is -- a short but sweet story.)