How much gas would the U.S. save if the speed limits on all the interstates was lowered to 60mph and inforced ? Daily = weekly = monthly = yearly = I been driving about 62 mph on the intersate to improve my MPG and I am about to get ran over...
Why not make it 40mph so you hate it too? A 40mph speed limit for private cars would make electric cars more viable and increase the use of high speed public transport. This on top of per vehicle fuel savings, additional revenue from fines and lower road death rates with the resultant reduction in insurance premiums, what a great idea!! Do you have fixed and mobile speed cameras over there? Coupled with a demerit points system you could see a massive increase ... ... in unlicensed drivers on the road.
I wish they would lower it to 60 MPH I love driving around 60 MPH and getting 55 MPG but alot of times I have to go or get ran over..I just think it would be an easy way to reduce the amount of gas used by everyone..I hear people saying there are no quick fixes that seems like it could be quick but I really dont know how much it would save, but one would think it would save alot ...
I wish people would drive the speed limits we have. I drive 70 on the highway and cars blast by me like I'm standing still. The BIGGER the SUV, the faster they go. Tom
Tom (I think) of Car Talk advocated a 35 mph speed limit. I think there's something to be said for bringing back horses. The poop is an issue, but at least it's recyclable as fertilizer, unlike the crap that comes out of gas engines.
back in the 80;s during the last gas fiasco, i think they mentioned that slowing down to 60 mph would save around 1.5 million gallons a day. now lets see, since then, average gas mileage HAS GONE DOWN, more people are driving, and average speeds are higher now. so, it would be a significant savings for sure. but what i'd rather do, is crank up radar and camera enforcement, remove the loopholes, take the fine money and use it to fund mass transit.
oh no!!... reagan did not believe in conservation. i think it was Carter... Carter installed solar panels, mandated the whitehouse be kept at 78º in summer and 62º in winter. reagan came in, took all that out. its too bad that demo's try to conserve only to have republicans come in and undo everything they do... laws in this country are a joke and have nothing to do with what the people want. its all a "power trip" by the top man in an effort to "make his mark"
Yep. It was Carter who brought in the 55-mph speed limit. He also told us that we waste more energy than we import. The nation hated him for it. The public felt it was its god-given right to waste all the oil before the next generation could get its hands on any of it. Reagan was the hero of the day: He got rid of all that nonsense about responsibility and serving your fellow citizen. His watch word was "It's okay to be greedy and put yourself first!" The public loved him.
Maybe you should move north? Aside from the prairies, the limits are 100km/h, 90km/h near city limits and 80km/h if the highway is in the city (Toronto excepted lol). After living in TO for 2½ weeks, I've concluded that the average speed on the highways is 110-120km/h (with a few touching 140). Do the speed liimt of 100km/h and be prepared to be tailgated and cut off or worse, get a ticket for traffic flow impedement.
I have noticed a general decrease in speeds. Even the big SUV drivers seem to have figured out that they can save $$$ at slower speeds. I actually seem to see fewer SUV's on the road and in parking lots. I think people are using their other car to save $$$. Southern California is not noted for doing this kind of thing so it will be interesting to see of this is actually happening. I have talked to a few people about this and they express the same thoughts. These are family and friends that do not own a Prius.
Driving from California to Virginia I have noticed a general slowing down in US highway speeds. I remember doing 70 on a 60 zone and nearly getting rear ended back in 2001, but now I can do 70 on a 60, or 80 on a 70 and I am moving with the traffic. I think people are slowing down to save a bit of gas. One thing that I am seeing a lot, at least east of Tennessee, is people driving while talking on their cell phones, some of them at 70 mph while waving their hands! But that's another issue...