My wife and I are on a road trip on our Prius, Blueberry, from California to Virginia, and tonight we arrived in Denver, Colorado. I have downloaded our pictures from the camera and I am posting some here. I'll add more later. Tomorrow I'll post the mileage figures, as I left my log in the car. Enjoy the pics! Blueberry and I on the way to Lake Tahoe, still clean! Enjoying the sun at near Mono Lake, Eastern Sierra mountains, California Next we headed to Death Valley, temperatures were in the low 90s Cheapest gas for miles!! Been there! Baking under the sun in the Death Valley After a night stop in Vegas, we headed to the Grand Canyon Showing off its dirty rear end, still unlicensed! Off-roading in Utah looking for a famous western movie set Fueling up on the way to Denver, outside is a cool 21 degrees! Quick stop after Vail Pass, 1" of ice built up on its nose Detail of the ice build up This is what the Prius does at 11,000 feet on a 6% incline with the traction battery running purple! Tomorrow we first head to a car wash, as Blueberry hasn't been washed since Las Vegas, it's filthy! Then we head east, probably through Kansas. More to come...
I love these picture travel logs. Please do update it with your pictures and insights. Have a safe trip. Hopefully you got a clear bra on the front of the car. Also, are you missing a center cap on the driver rear wheel?
Hey, what's your destination in VA? If it's anywhere near the Richmond area, I'll make sure to leave the light on for you.
My jealousy has reached a new high. With two small kids and a business I miss road trips. When I retire I'll be one of those that travels around in the motorhome year round... hopefully by then we'll have a cleaner fuel source for when I'm getting 8mpg. BTW, noticed your veteran sticker. Thank you very much for your service to this country!!!
don't leave Denver without stopping at any Mexican dive for chile rellenos (or whatever you like) smothered in green chile!
I too am so jealous. Our family of four did a 7,500 mile camping trip last summer and it was wonderful. Have a great time! Our log, mostly mpg-related can be seen at-- PA P
Appreciate the great write up. I missed it in the past when I've looked for write-ups. One comment about the water boiling point. The cooling system is under pressure which increases the boiling point. In fact the pressure of the cooling system should remain more or less constant regardless of the altitude you have your Prius. With regards to your maintaining 35mph going uphill. Was this with the accelerator to the floor or was this trying to keep the temps/RPM within a "reasonable" range? It sounds like this is what you were trying to do. I'm curious as I've only taken my '08 on one road trip but 1 of the hills was approximately 12 miles at 7% grade. With 2 adults and 2 kids I was easily able to maintain (and exceed) the 75mph speed limit. I was even able to slow down behind slow moving trucks then accelerate back up to speed. I of course had it to the floor with no regard for mpg and fluid temps. That trip I avered 47mpg (MFD indicated) so overall a pretty good MPG considering. Mike
Right about the cooling system being under pressure. Someone else informed me of that in the meantime. No, we did not have the accelerator to the floor going up the mountains, but were trying to keep the rpm's down as you said, and the mpg up! PA P
Wow, sounds like a great time. Put me on the list of jealous folks. My wife and I are planning a trip from Florida to Michigan (about 1600 miles) in August. Going to be a lazy trip, stopping to visit friends and family. Hope to return to Florida via the east coast (I-95). I expect we will be around 4000 miles by the time we get back. I am looking forward to a long road trip in the Prius and appreciate post of others experiences. Did I mention that I'm jealous? Bob
Thanks everybody for the comments! Exbauer, you're right about me missing the wheel cap on the driver's side rear wheel. I bought one of them at the dealership where I got the car, and another at a nearby dealership. I have been meaning to buy the fourth one, but sincerely, I have been forgetting to stop at a Toyota dealership... maybe in Kansas! Mingoglia, my wife is really jealous of all the RVs we saw between California and Utah. She is tired of sleeping in a different hotel every night and wishes we could just park somewhere, close the blinds and go to sleep. She really wants to get an RV someday and I hope that in the future we will still be able to afford this luxury. I mentioned we could camp on our Prius but she said no way... We try to stay at the cheapest hotel within a reasonable limit; we always demand at least internet and a micro wave on the room. So far have stayed on everything from the worst motel in Grand Junction, CO to a really nice suite at the Luxor in Las Vegas and I too would love to get some normalcy... and RV would afford that. BTW, I spent the last 10 years of my life fixing Uncle Sam's best helicopters (OH-58 Kiowas and CH-47 Chinooks if you'd like to know). I was fortunate enough to finish my service with nothing worse than some busted knees. I have lost two friends in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. You should thank their families. When I was going up the mountains I was mainly going for speed, maintaining 5 to 10 mph over the speed limit (that means 80 to 85 mph), unless the grades got real steep, then I'd slow down to 60-65 mph. When visibility got real bad (I think it went down to maybe 200 feet) and the road was frozen then I really slowed down, to maybe 15 to 30 mph. Even at those speeds there were times when my engine was working hard to go up a slippery slope! At least we made it to Denver safely! Well, today was another day of scary driving. We headed out of Denver through I-70 towards Kansas. The whole time we were driving there was a 20 to 35 knot gusting wind coming from the left. On top of that we had everything from light rain to light snow to heavy snow, fog and snow pellets. The wind was so bad that I had the steering wheel turned 15 degrees to the left most of the day, as if on an eternal left turn. You could see the big rig trucks on the highway driving sideways, with their trailers following the tractor 1 to 2 feet to the right. Visibility wasn't as bad as yesterday and the road was mostly empty, so we maintained 60 to 70 mph throughout the trip. At one point I-70 turns south and we had a nice tail wind that pushed me to 85 to 90 mph with 55 mpg! Despite all this by the time we stopped for the night in Colby, Kansas our average mpg for the day was 39 mpg. As we arrived for the night we had heavy snow flurries with a 25 knot wind an ran to the hotel room as fast as we could, so I forgot my mileage log, and won't be able to post it here tonight as promised... As I look outside right now I see a snowy white shape of a Toyota Prius parked among a bunch of big heavy duty trucks, and the wind is still howling... Hopefully I won't be stuck here tomorrow (there's nothing much here!!). Weather permitting I will try to make it to Kansas City tomorrow. On a good note, we washed our Blueberry before leaving Denver and it still looked beautifully clean as we arrived in Kansas
I really like the posting of your trip. Keep it up and keep posting the pictures. We are taking our new 08 Prius to Des Moines, Mount Rushmore, Devil's Tower, Cheyenne, Denver, the Royal Gorge, & Dodge City in a few weeks. Can't wait to try out the Prius on the trip. We have had our 08 Prius (Barcelona Red with Option Package #3) for less than a week but I am really impressed. What a great car.
[FONT="]Wife and I presently in [/FONT][FONT="]Morganton[/FONT][FONT="], [/FONT][FONT="]N.C.[/FONT][FONT="] (her hometown). Departed [/FONT][FONT="]Roy[/FONT][FONT="], [/FONT][FONT="]Washington[/FONT][FONT="] about a month ago. Bad passage through [/FONT][FONT="]Wyoming[/FONT][FONT="], one lane plowed, bad gravel on road tossed up by trucks, head wind of 20 mph. Stopped at [/FONT][FONT="]Boulder[/FONT][FONT="], [/FONT][FONT="]CO[/FONT][FONT="] visit granddaughter. [/FONT][FONT="]Kansas[/FONT][FONT="] quartering headwind 30 to 50 mph reported all day. To St Louis (relatives) and earthquake experience, to West Virginia (nostalgia trip to where I was born), through Maryland -- worst two hours of the trip -- thunderstorms with lightning ahead of us often and heaviest rain ever encountered. Saw three spinout accidents and one roll over on highway, then to Cape May, NJ (relatives), to friends in the back country of Scottsville, VA and then to a family reunion at Virginia Beach, VA. Will depart here 8 May to return to [/FONT][FONT="]Washington[/FONT][FONT="]; route still to be determined. [/FONT][FONT="]Left[/FONT][FONT="]WA[/FONT][FONT="] with 50.3 mpg (with winter and short trips down from normal average of 52mpg) on gauge for 14000+ on ODO and now at 49.7 mpg. Most of it at speed limit using cruise control. Have put 4700 on the trip so far. [/FONT]
I bought my seaside Blue fully loaded 2005 prius in Cali & drove it back to michigan thru Vegas & Denver. Does anybody else feel the prius is too underpowered to use in the rocky mountains on a regular basis? semis were blowing past me when my prius was struggling to get up mountains. Back in flat Michigan I can't think of a nicer car to own. now if only car companies would start putting in air suspensions that can lower the car at highway speeds and raise it for the snow. the prius 5.x inch ground clearance just doesn't cut it during a snow storm. I love the Audi Allroad air suspension. 7 inch ground clearance in the city, 5 inch ground clearance on the highway, 9 inch ground clearance during a snow storm. (those may not be the exact #'s but you get the idea) Someone get Toyota to throw a suspension like that into my Prius & i'd really be gellin.
Hi Cns..., Its common for turbo-diesel trucks to be able to out grade normally asperated cars in the steep portions of the high passes in the Rocky's . If the grade is very high, and you ran at high speed before it , you might have run down the battery. In which case the car goes into a turtle mode. What it does in this mode is try to push the car AND charge the battery. If you can stay out of that mode, it will allow all the engine power to go to the wheels. Best to not climb a long grade at any speed that depletes the battery.
I regularly drive from the Spokane WA area to Dillon MT over three passes (up to 5700' for the Divide) and have not had any issues with my Prius. I do not try to run at 75 mph over the passes, but could if it was necessary. I can get around 50 MPG for a round trip if I work at it. Normally, it is cruise control all the way.... Pat
I think 5700 feet is fine for the Prius, it still runs with enough power for steep grades. I feel the power starts going away at 7500 feet. I experienced that in a few places in California (Big Bear in So Cal, Carson Pass in North Cal, and in the Eastern Sierras) as well as up mountains in Colorado. I got the car up to 11,000+ feet altitude and up there the engine really struggles hard, and the traction battery goes into purple. Maintaining anything over 40 mph on the uphill sections is hard, but 60-70 mph is attainable on the flat sections. Miles per gallon suffers too, as you end up flooring the gas for a small increment in speed. We are in Missouri now, and I find it hard to keep the car below 75 mph without the cruise control. I have to constantly look at the speedometer to keep it at a mild speed. This car is so smooth and quiet at speed, compared to other small cars, that I find myself creeping into 90 mph territory easily without paying attention. I usually get to 75 mph and turn on the cruise control. Tomorrow we have another long drive, as we are driving from Columbia, Missouri all the way to Atlanta.