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For all the environmental wackos out there and the ones that think they might be

Discussion in 'Environmental Discussion' started by Austin50mpg, Apr 28, 2008.

  1. Austin50mpg

    Austin50mpg Prius Driving Right Winger

    Apr 10, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Human life? If one is overly concerned about how human life is affected by progress I would assume he lives as a hunter-gatherer. I met only one in my life. He was from New Zealand. He managed to live without many things. No phone, electricity, gas, or car. He lived off the land and constructed his own house.

    I still don't understand who we are going to pay the extra cost in gasoline you suggested.

    Yes I can see you wouldn't mind higher gas prices. It appears you can afford them if your home and car are solar powered. I don't have the income to convert my home or car at this time. I would love to ease my electric and gas bills with solar power.

    As far as your health care concerns I couldn't afford the prescription my doctor ordered two days ago. Partly because drug companies are thieves and partly because gas in my area is $3.50 gallon. My choice between a gasoline and electric car would be solely based on initial price and cost to operate. Did you get in line for the Tesla? I couldn't afford it.

    People do respect the pollution of gasoline. However, most people do not have alternatives outside the large cities. I think we all can work together for a "greener" world. However, sacrificing the present while dwelling on the future is not in anyones best interest.
  2. tripp

    tripp Which it's a 'ybrid, ain't it?

    Oct 23, 2005
    Denver, CO
    2005 Prius
    The second to last comment says 1% recoverable, or about 3.5 bbl. That's assuming that there are 350 bbl in the ground to begin with. The juries very much still out on this one. That oil's not gonna be cheap at that level of recoverables. The production rate is also likely to be pathetic. We'll see I suppose. Production is still years away regardless.
  3. chogan2

    chogan2 Senior Member

    Feb 12, 2008
    2021 Prius Prime
    Well, that's imprecise. I'll try one more time.

    You sound like you know a lot about the oil industry, so I assume you know the difference between proved (proven?) reserves and total estimated oil in the ground. Proven reserves are the oil that can be extracted, without economic losses, using known technology.

    That's the only difference between the 100B plus estimate and the 4B estimate. The USGS provides both estimates. Both estimates are in the cite I listed. The proven reserves there are estimated at 4B bbl. That's the oil that can be recovered without economic losses using existing technology.

    So your last post is imprecise. It implies that there are wildly and arbitrarily varying estimates of the oil there, and so either one could be right. That's not correct. AFAIK, there's only one set of estimates, suggesting 100B bbl of oil (or more, if you wish), of which 4B bbl is proven reserves.

    If we want to count all oil-like deposits, regardless of whether they are usable or not, then shoot, let's count the US oil shale and declare that we have more oil than almost anybody. Might be a boost for our collective morale. But it won't do anything for the price and availability of oil.

    NOT that this doesn't happen. Canada is listed as #2 in the world, for proven reserves, because they decided to count the tar sands. Because they can actually turn those into oil on a commercial scale. So I'm not suggesting that the definition of proven reserves is immutable. But it's up to people who know what they're doing to make that determination.

    Regardless, nobody counts all the oil projected to lie within a given structure as reserves. It's all a question of what fraction of the oil you can get out.

    US proven reserves are typically listed at 23B bbl or so. So finding 4B more is a major event. It's a good thing. But it's imprudent to suggest that this solves our oil supply problems for the next generation. Until and if somebody ever figures a way to get some portion of the rest of the oil out of that rock at a profit.
  4. Austin50mpg

    Austin50mpg Prius Driving Right Winger

    Apr 10, 2008
    2008 Prius
    I know where to go now if I would like a few post after my thread.

    :popcorn: :focus:

    So after reading these post do any environmental wackos out there believe it is prudent to discontinue motor sports?
  5. tripp

    tripp Which it's a 'ybrid, ain't it?

    Oct 23, 2005
    Denver, CO
    2005 Prius
    Nah, it's an insignificant amount of fuel. Enforcing better fuel economy standards would be a much better use of our time and effort. Then, all of the people traveling to the event would use less fuel, which would save us a lot more fuel than the event wastes.
  6. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    So the argument is that we must require perfection or we can not do anything about the problem (degradation of the environment) at all?

    That's an interesting viewpoint.
  7. okiebutnotfrommuskogee

    okiebutnotfrommuskogee Senior Member

    Mar 2, 2007
    Tulsa, OK
    2011 Prius
    Some of us like motor racing. I have been to the Indy 500 at least 20 times and have been to at least 10 NASCAR races. And by the way Indy Cars run on Ethanol, not gasoline.

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  8. Austin50mpg

    Austin50mpg Prius Driving Right Winger

    Apr 10, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Actually the argument is don't preach to me and brainwash children with environmental religion. Especially if you are not going to walk the walk while you talk the talk. Again if someone is so concerned about their environment they should set an example and live accordingly.

    People who do not want others telling them what type of lifestyle to live should not expect others to live their lifestyle. Especially at the cost of one's lively hood.
  9. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    But you started the thread. If you didn't want to generate contrary opinions (be preached to), maybe you should have chosen a less provocative title.

    If someone is "brainwashing" children than that should stop. But if they are teaching them about their impact on the planet, that seems like a good thing for them to be aware of.

    I think you have the right to live whatever lifestyle you would like as long as you are not infringing on my right to live whatever lifestyle I would like. I'd like to have breathable air as part of my lifestyle.

    I'm not sure what your livelyhood is, but if it degrades the environment, then it can't be very heathy for you either.
  10. tnthub

    tnthub Member

    Jun 12, 2006
    Brunswick, Maine
    2007 Prius
    I have over 4000 passes at drag strips under my belt, 45 wins, two season championships, and a have instituted a few rule changes to improve safety.

    What I have learned though my experience has translated to my being a more efficient and safer driver on the street. The details of vehicle performance and handling, and how a driver interacts with that vehicle are measured in hundredths of a second at a drag strip.

    Additionally, since I started racing a decade ago I have not had a single speeding ticket. It just isn't worth it to speed on a public road.

    Drag strips provide a reasonably safe environment for people to race their cars and compete. Someone with a Prius, if they know how to drive, could go home from a local event with a trophy and cash in their pocket.

    I plan on racing a Prius at several bracket racing events this year. I can think of no better way to demonstrate hybrid technology to automotive enthusiasts than to show it to them in person. I expect to actually go a few rounds into competition and heck, maybe even win something myself.

    Motorsports is responsible for many technologies that make driving safer and more economical for the public. To dimish that research and development is a dis-service to us all. If anything the "treehuggers" should be opening a mutually beneficial dialogue with the hot rodders to enhance existing technologies that can save fuel and emissions for all of us.

    Just putting headers, cat back, and cold air filter on an average 4000 pound V8 "beater" sedan can improve gas mileage by 2-4 miles per gallon if... And this is a big if... it is properly driven.

    I'm also playing with an all electric car this year which I hope to have in competition by mid summer. Now if some "treehugger" wants to help with sponsorhip I could have it ready earlier... ;)
  11. SSimon

    SSimon Active Member

    Feb 27, 2006
    N/W of Chicago
    2006 Prius
    Austin, Your comments about walking the walk are silly. I mean, you seem to shrug off pollution and environmental degredation but I'm pretty certain that you wouldn't choose to walk the walk and live in a highly polluted area. I'm also pretty sure that it's only because you've benefited greatly from the work of environmental whackos that you take the cause so lightly and with such little regard. If you had cancer from polluted water or weren't able to draw your life's wage due to highly polluted land, you may find proper legitimacy in the cause.

    There are plenty of areas in which life existence in polluted areas remain a reality and that's exactly the point behind many of the posts saying that these resources should be more expensive. The additional income derived by the increased costs of resources wouldn't exist as profit, it would exist as an expense realized for the environmental clean up. Of course this dynamic would take a renewed send of accountability and who better to see this through fruition than a whacko. :)
  12. Austin50mpg

    Austin50mpg Prius Driving Right Winger

    Apr 10, 2008
    2008 Prius
    Yes I started a thread that was suppose to discuss motor sports and the environment. Do you believe motor sports should cease in order to help the environment? Some others posting on this thread don't see a problem with motor sports. I would assume you would despise the senseless waste of fuel and increased pollution associated with the sport.

    If you drive or ride in a motor vehicle are you not degrading the environment? Using electricity to power you computer and other appliances has a environmental impact right? Drinking out of disposable containers even if you do recycle has an impact right? Again I will say if you are as concerned about the environment as you claim then live like it.

    Everybody in some form or fashion relies on someone else's livelihood. What affects one will likely affect others. This situation is multiplied many fold when the situation affects millions such as the price of gas.

    Last week the Washington Post interviewed a 9-year-old who said the Earth is "just starting to fade away." In 20 years there will be "no oxygen" he said, and he'll be dead. Things he learned from the environmental religion leaders. This is outrageous. Al Gore preaches the earth will be scorched within 10 years. Actually the Gore statement was a few years ago we still have about 7 years before we are all scorched.
  13. miscrms

    miscrms Plug Envious Member

    Aug 21, 2007
    Phoenix, AZ
    2005 Prius
    Just want to make sure you know that is total BS.

    As shown below, US gasoline stocks have been fairly constant for the last 20 years within +/- 10% or so. They are currently slightly above the 20 year average, after having been ~10% above average back in February. The price of gasoline, on the other hand is up more than 3X over the same period.

    All data plotted from:
    Energy Information Administration - EIA - Official Energy Statistics from the U.S. Government


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  14. Austin50mpg

    Austin50mpg Prius Driving Right Winger

    Apr 10, 2008
    2008 Prius
    I actually lived three years in one the most polluted areas I know in the United States. Pasadena, TX. No one told me I couldn't swim in a creek because of a salamander. No one told me I could not cut a tree because of an owl. No one told me I couldn't cut grass because of a grass hopper. I loved it. No problems in my health the entire time I lived there. Although it was only 3 years.

    If all the EW's are willing to pay for the expense in order to accomplish what ever goals they have then make a donation after selling all of your environmentally unfriendly possessions and live off the land.

    It seems almost everyone posting is missing the point. Do you believe in your environmental religion enough to make real sacrifices.
  15. Tempus

    Tempus Senior Member

    Feb 17, 2004
    Washington DC
    2004 Prius
    Ah, the Paradoxes of life.

    Hunters and Fishermen are often the most ardent and involved conservationists, and arguably do more to preserve nature than a billion polititians talking. (Of course who doesn't do more than a billion politicians talking, I guess that was a bad analogy.)

    The Military and Space Programs develop tons of commercial spin-offs that improve life and the environment. Consider the Computer (Grace Hopper anyone?)

    Solar Cells - Think Satellites. Of course it goes without saying that Satellites and all their communicationy goodness started life with the Military.

    GPS - Yeah, that darned military.

    ABS - Military Aircraft (You think you have skidding problems when braking at high speed!)

    Modern Fuel Injection? - Perfected to keep gasoline airplane engines from stalling out during high speed combat maneuvers in WWII. Same with Modern Turbo-Chargers, except they allowed planes to fly higher.

    If you look at things like the devlopment of modern Trauma Surgery, they've saved many many lives (Gotta love MASH).

    Auto Racers care more about Safety and Efficiency than the average driver, and have bucks to put into it. Crash Proof Fuel Cells, Crumple Zones, Wind Tunnels for Auto Testing, Hell, even Seat Belts come from racing.

    Keep in mind that there used to be Factory Race programs, and that even though Freds Racing Team may not have developed a safety or efficiency innovation, huge research in those areas were carried out by the Manufacturers, not because they care for you Joe Consumer, but because they wanted to win races. You just got the benefit.

    Traction Control - Those darned fast cars. Slow cars don't really spin the wheels much on takeoff.

    Danica Patrick just became the first female to win an Indy Car race because of - Fuel Mileage.

    Superchargers? - Yeah, Racing.

    Safer Tires? - Racing

    Reliable Disc Brakes? - Jaguar C Type Racer :)

    Know what? - Highway Guard-Rail design is being highly influenced by Racing Barrier design.

    It's one of the delicious ironies of life that out of situations that the average person might consider 'extreme' come so many things that benefit everyone.

    When you think about it, it's obvious. Anyone who pushes the envelope in any field of endeavour, or cares passionately about something, is going to 'improve the breed'.

    Without the extremes, we might all be safer in the mushy middle but technological and environmental progress would be much slower.

    Hard Problems lead to Good Solutions, and Life and Death situations have this strange way of very effectively focusing the mind on the problem at hand.
  16. F8L

    F8L Protecting Habitat & AG Lands

    Aug 14, 2006
    Grass Valley, CA.
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Already did it. :D

    Now go take some of those classes.... Judging by your attitude you either lied to me when you said you took them or you fell asleep during class.
  17. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    I don't actually know how much pollution can be attributed to organized motor sports. Do you have any figures? I tend to agree with Tripp; I think that there are other larger sources that could be tackled first. I do think a TESTA electric car racing organization would probably be better than the current NASCAR with respect to promoting clean motor sports.

    Well, I chose to drive a vehicle that pollutes less than most others that are available. And I keep my other vehicles in good running condition with all of the emission equipment working as intended. I don't throw plastic bottles out the window when I'm done with them. We try to recycle as much as possible.

    Do I pass the environmental wacko test or am I a sinner?

    Well, I saw the writing on the wall a few years ago w/r/t rising gas prices, so I bought a car that gets the best mpg currently available. So I'm using less gas, and my demand has gone down. That should help the cost of gas for others go down in some miniscule fashion. You're welcome.

    I'm really sorry that the Washington Post found a confused little kid to interview so they could write an article about the environment. And that you don't agree with Al Gore. Do you have a source for the statements that Al Gore made so that I can judge for myself?

    Even if Al Gore is full of crap, that doesn't negate the need to wean ourselves from the oil "teat". Its destroying our economy, our security and our environment.

    I guess I'm a wacko now.
  18. FL_Prius_Driver

    FL_Prius_Driver Senior Member

    Jun 17, 2007
    Tampa Bay
    2010 Prius
    Awww Gezzz, I missed all the fun on this thread.
  19. MontyMan

    MontyMan Prius Driver

    Apr 21, 2008
    Houston Texas
    2001 Prius
    Al Gore would be the source of those.
  20. dogfriend

    dogfriend Human - Animal Hybrid

    Feb 26, 2007
    Carmichael, CA
    2007 Prius
    An article, book, link, movie; which thing specifically am I looking for?

    I don't know what statements were made, which ones you agree with, which ones you don't, and why that is important anyway.

    If Al Gore totally fabricated the whole global climate change theory, how do you explain the other people who believe it is happening?