Love the car, the mileage, the package, color etc. First two weeks have been rocky though. My car had an eighth of an inch deep scratch on the passenger rear door from sitting on the lot. The night I bought the car, I said "Just keep it, fix it, I'll sign the paperwork, and I'll pick it up when it's finished." They insisted on me taking it (guess they thought I'd have second thoughts and back out fo the deal), and told me it could probably be fixed while I waited the next day. Next day comes, body shop says "gotta paint the whole door." Two days later, door looks like crap. Amateur, Maaco style work, clearcoat wasn't laid right, looked like one of those old American Hot Rods that look neat from far away, but when you look at them from the side, they have ripples like a fat woman with cellulite. I say "hell no try again." They say they can sand it down and fix it right up for me in a half hour the next morning. Next morning comes, they have it for an hour. Looks as bad as before. I said Hell no again. They have to reclear the whole door. Drop the car off yet another time, the next time I get it back, everything is perfect. Everything is great, the sun is shining, birds are chirping, I'm getting 50+ mpg, and all is good. Good times lasted 5 days until yesterday, some ignorant lady on her phone rear ends me at a light I had been sitting still at for at least 45 seconds. I get out, she's still on her phone. Looks at me as if I'm begging for change or selling flowers....finally rolls down her window. "Did I hit you!!??" (Still running her mouth on phone). "Uhhh yeah, ya did, can you pull your truck back so we can dig your tag bolts out of my bumper?" We pull over into a parking lot and look things over. not a whole bunch of VISISBLE damage, but two deep scratched from her tag bolts. While we're exchanging info, she's talking about how "cute" my car is, and how she "should get one", but since her company gives her a 2008 Grand Cherokee for free and pays for the gas, what's the point. I go to file the claim with her insurance this morning, she still still hasn't called and reported it. Finally, after badgering her this afternoon, it's all squared away. So in two days and $675 worth of repairs later I should have my car back. Can't say I've had it for more than 4 days in a row yet!!
Dam, that truly sucks! I would have called one of the boys in blue and had them write this stupid _______ a ticket for being on a cell phone and contributing to an accident!
Ouch! Sorry to read about this unfortunate string of events. Still . . . Did I hear 50+ MPG? Pretty good for a start, Non?
Sorry to hear about your bad run of luck. I have had mine since wed of last week. I can only imagine if something like that happend to me. Kinda puts a damper on the high of a new car. Anyway, Think of it this way. Maybe since this happend to you early on the rest of the time you own her it will be smooth sailing.
My Neck hurts....bad. Get the Boys in Blue and the ones in the Red trucks. Then there is the time off from work. Just think, she could have just as easily run a red light in that 2.5 ton bulldozer while yabbering on that stupid phone.
Impact was less than 5mph I'm sure, I'm not the faking injury type. She was such a pig though for not even knowing she hit me. That and the fact she got out of the truck with probably 10k in Jewelry on her hands, horse riding boots and pants........What an eyesore.
I had a similar thing happen... I was stopped @ a traffic light, & all of a sudden someone smashes into my. Almost totaled my Jetta! I couldn't believe it. I mean, accidents happen, but how the f do you just plow into someone at a light?
Yep, 52 + on the MFD, sometimes dipping to 48 when it gets cold and rainy. It's been as high as 56 when it was 78 and sunny.
A few years ago I stopped at a red light before making my right turn. Some guy runs into the rear of my S-10. He get out and runs up to my truck and says, "I thought you were going to run it." Good I thought, tell that to the police. Good luck with your next 2 weeks. Look on the bright side, It just has to get better. Bob