Hi. Just bought my Prius AMAZING! Hi. My name is Chris. Traded in my 12mpg Expedition 1 week ago! I love the Prius features. The nav screen is so cool. Voice commands, bluetooth, I mean, cmon! The best car I've ever owned. Instant fan! Especially after finding these forums. Except for spilling an oversized mug of coffee on the passenger floor (thank God for a friendly detailer who shampooed it out right away), I've been loving this new experience. I'm like a new Dad! Can't wait to mod mod mod! .
Congrats on the new ride! Aren't they great? Know what you mean about the spill though, it would be nice if the cup holder fit the 1L Coke bottles that I like. I know that's way shallow, but sooner or later I'm going to do what you did.....
Congrats! But try to get a bit more excited about the car. Really, you'll get no arguments from me -- I still tell people this is the best car made. I really cannot understand why all cars aren't made this way. Of course there are limitations to the Prius model, and it doesn't work for someone who needs seating for 7 and the ability to pull a ton on a trailer. Even so, couldn't all cars be set to turn off their gas engines when there is no need for the power (stoplights, for instance)?
Very true...they're on my To-Do list as where I live, the time for such things is the summer not the winter...
Thanks. I'm in Frankfort, KY. Bought my Prius in Lexington. Yeah, I have a to do list as well, thnx to this awesome forums! I had no clue there would be so many mods, etc. possible when I googled 'Hack my Prius'.
Congrats, quick recovery on the potential stain (5 second rule, ), nice. I am a one day old Prius owner. I got 44 MPG in the pouring rain yesterday (traveled 25 miles). This morning,I just took my Prius to drop my kid off to school, stopped for coffee and had plenty of stop and goes (bus stops, traffic stops, etc..). I traveled 50 miles altogether before I arrived at work. I got 52.8 MPG. Oh, my Prius was covered in light ice when I started because of the overnight freeze after all of the rain. I have yet to travel on a clear day without running the heater/defroster and lights. I will be traveling the highway today, and it is clear and above 45 degrees for once. Plus I will be adding more air pressure in the tires as cited. I'm hooked. ~ Welcome to PC ~
Nice millage! I've yet to break 43, but I am still used to my old V8 and gunning it! Now I'm paying attention to my driving style, and without impeding traffic too much, trying to see how high my mpg can go! p.s. Does everyone else feel the lack of power/high rev until the car is up to speed? I swear, if it was my old vehicle I'd think my transmission was going out, but this can't be on a 2008! right? .
I hear you! I just traded in my Toyota Tundra V8. I must admit, I have 3 routes that parallel the highway to work, so I get plenty of chances to P&G (though they are hilly). I am just pleased with my initial outings. I rarely jump into things on blind faith, and I have some equations that need to work out to capitolize on the investment. So far so good. Best of luck to you and your reasons for buying your Prius.