I did a search for this and did not find any posts that mentioned this site. Apologies if this is old news. I Hate Prius Drivers *Mod Edit--link removed, guys and gals, we don't need to be letting guys know this bugs us, or giving the site hits further encouraging the, or worse getting some flame war/troll thing going on. If you wanna see the site find it w/ Google and let's not direct link to it from here.
Seems like it would be easy for us to get them prosecuted for a blatant hate crime. Puting all Prius drivers into a sterotype saying we think we are better than others? I just think I am doing the right thing for myself.
Yeah, that sounds about right! I've got a hell of a lot of pride for my car and anything else is too low-tech and inefficient.
Hi All, If the reason given to hate Prius drivers, is that Prius drivers think they are better than others, why is there not a Performance Mustang Haters website, or a Jetta Haters website? Because we all know how many of the drivers of these cars feel about themselves, right. Which is that they deserve to pass anybody they want, even if they do not have the right-of-way. And that basic violation of something we were all taught in kindergarten (do not cut in line), is indeed a crystal ball on the ego's of those drivers. No, this is just some more of this guerilla marketing going on. I wonder who is funding this one ?
This one kills me... "Prius Isn’t the Cheapest Way to Cut Energy Bills" The article suggests that we're all fools if we bought a Prius in order to be fiscally conservative. First it says that the car is more expensive up front, and that we should have bought something like the Toyota Yaris instead to save money. I'll admit that I considered this before making my purchase, but I counter that you can't compare the Yaris to the Prius in terms of size, comfort, and features. I determined that a Yaris wouldn't work for me and the potential resale value compared to a Prius would be a lot lower. They should instead compare the Prius to an automatic transmission Honda Civic Sedan LX or EX (the DX model with the $15,000 MSRP doesn't even have air conditioning). The MSRP on those is not much more than $1000 below a package #1 or #2 Prius (which is already filled with great features). So I don't think I paid this huge premium just to get a hybrid. The gas savings (and the potential resale value) will more than make up for it. Then it tells us that if we were REALLY smart we would just walk, bike, or take public transportation and INVEST our $20,000+ at 7% interest over 35 years. Well... duh. But, clearly, having no car at all doesn't work for too many people. This isn't even relevant. My choices were to buy a Prius or buy a comparable vehicle with a normal gasoline engine - not buy a Prius or walk to work everyday. Tim
A few months ago, a Prius-bashing forum was mentioned...won't give the URL, but the last post there was Feb 12, 2008, with an eye-popping 35 members. Evan would probably like this Napoleon quote that goes something like this: "Don't attack an enemy that is already self-destructing"
There are many car commercials based on the concept of "buy our car and you'll be better than everyone else." I grow tired of the Cadillac commercials with the "boys' club" and "they need to spend time with a different kind of woman" and the "you need to graduate" mentality. Not to mention the cars designed with the front to intentionally look intimidating. But most people don't take it upon themselves to create websites designed exclusively to bash the drivers of such vehicles. Oh well. In the end, no sane person picks on the little guy. Being attacked is one way of knowing that you are making progress.
There are plenty of sectors of society in which stupidity and boorishness is regarded as cool, and intellect is the enemy. It is often responsible for the more horrific acts perpetrated by the human race, and is generally behind any instance of mob hysteria. Unfortunately, those involved don't know any better. . _H*
You've got to admit that the Cadillac commercial with the punch line "The question is, when your turn your car on, does it return the favor?" could easily apply to us Prii drivers!!
H That isn't an excuse for them either. We're all big boys and big girls here, and there is a Real World out there. I firmly believe in harsh punishment for those you mentioned; after all, they really *are* responsible for some truly horrifying events Whether the redneck in a lifted pickup who cuts off a Prius driver, the bottom feeder who had the house foreclosed and left a starved-to-death pet in a closet as a "parting gift," street racers who create a cloud of tire smoke then get killed by an innocent motorist - and naturally blame the motorist as dumb-nice person retards aren't responsible for anything, or people who shoot at medivac helicopters, I lump all in the same category The mistake normal, responsible, caring, rational people make is this: they automatically assume everybody else is normal, responsible, caring, and rational. Rules that effectively help normal, responsible, caring, rational people get along and accomplish things, will be laughed at and treated with contempt by those who aren't Do I sound elitist? Maybe just hard-nice person? Well, to quote a certain sailor man: "I yam what I yam" I am intelligent enough to realize a very cold, sobering, hard fact. If things really do go to s*** with our energy supply, expect Prius drivers to be targeted just because they are Prius drivers. Yes, in "targeted" I mean with physical violence and probably death. There are a lot of simple-minded bottom feeders out there who refuse to engage more than 6 brain cells to understand the true cause(s) of our energy "crisis" and needed solution(s) j
Jayman, Good post. I for one am not afraid of those bottom feeders. They want to run me off the road and beat me up they will find that I am trained and armed and ready to use force to protect me and mine. I dont think it will come to that however. Drivers rage tells alot about people. Asimov said that "Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent" In Foundation and Empire. Stand up to that lot and they wither away. We will be driving when they are forced to park it for no gas money!
We call those sort of people oxygen wasters, since all they do is waste oxygen that would better serve someone who actually contributes to civilized society. Tom
You know, this whole discussion does make me wonder when I'm going to go out one morning to find the car missing or vandalized. At least SKS makes it harder to steal unless you're going to pick it up and carry it off. I wish I had confidence that it wasn't going to come to that, but I'm afraid that I don't see it. As gas approaches $5.00/gal, folks are going to get desperate, we saw how that works after Katrina and Wilma. In Florida, Katrina was a non-event (not commentary on what happened elsewhere, but on what I personally experienced here.) On the other hand, Wilma was very sobering; gas and food trucks where accompanied by armed guards, if you got anywhere near to the FEMA stations you were likely to see armed National Guard troops. How far are we from that, just without the hurricane? Sorry, I'm not usually this doom-and-gloom, but oil at $120/barrel and the housing crisis really has me wondering. Put that together with the apparent lack of action from our leadership and I really do start to wonder...
"As gas approaches $5.00/gal, folks are going to get desperate". I'm not sure that will be the case. Here in the UK prices are edging up to £5 ($10) a gallon. Being a stoical lot, we're complaining but blood isn't exactly running down the streets. Then again, the Brits don't all carry guns
It helps I'm built like a hairless ape. To compensate for my receding hairline, I've started just shaving my head. For some reason, that "look" seems to work. The few times I've had somebody purposely cut me off, they were either a punk driving Daddy's vehicle, or some scrawny middle aged guy "compensating" for something Once I stepped out of the Prius, they knew they were in deep s*** I'm not saying violence solved every problem out there, but you have to stand up for yourself. Let somebody walk all over you, forget about it
About every 3-5 months I find myself in the UK, either meeting with a client or just changing planes. Overall the attitude and culture in the UK and other EU countries is far different than North America, especially America. Although you have your problems too - who doesn't? - overall most Europeans are far less likely to resort to violence The crime stats confirm this. Unless there is a disagreement following a Footy match, then all bets are off!