I tried doing a search but 600 pages come up for mpg. My prius has been out of alignment from the factory. I just have not had time to bring it back in. Whats the hit on the mpg for this?
There is no easy answer since it is a function of which type, toe or camber, and how much. Also, tire pressure can mitigate some of the problem. I would recommend getting one of those IR temperature gauges and measuring the tire temperature across the treads after driving say 15 minutes at highway speeds. You'll have to stop quickly to take the measurements since they cool off quickly. GOOD LUCK! Bob Wilson
Ummmm I think I will just go get it aligned. Anyone know what kind of hit for an alignment issue? 3-5 aprox?
ummmmm, good idea, get it aligned, dont worry about mileage hit, worry more about hit from premature tire replacement and possible other suspension wear
All great topics OTHER then what I asked for. Never mind this question seems to be too difficult to answer.
Geez man, the first answer in the thread was the best you can expect. It depends upon any number of factors, none of which you've supplied. If you want random numbers just so you can chew on them then I'll give you some...more than 1mpg and less than 10mpg. Depends upon severity, depends upon speed, depends upon your base mpg, depends upon temp, depends upon type of alignment issue. Who cares what the exact number is for say 40mph at steady speed...whatever it is it's more important to have it corrected for handling, for tire wear and to improve your FE even if the number isn't great.
I agree with efusco, Bob gave you the answer to your question. Why don't you just get the alignment done and let us know how much your mpg improves.
Your manufacturer's warranty including alignment is good for a year. Go to your dealer at the earliest possible time to have your alignment checked...the diagnosis should not cost you anything as well as if any adjustment is needed. Good Luck.
Hummmmm, I have been in deep thought about your question and after billions of nanoseconds have the answer. But you won't like it: 42 Bob Wilson ps. In memory of Douglas Adams
The rear toe was out on my '05 Prius, .34 on each side (spec is .02-.28 deg). The dealer had no fix for it, said to take it to an alignment shop. Alignment shop installed a shim kit. Mileage increased about 2mpg, from about 53 to 55mpg. The car also feels a lot more planted on the road now.