Looks neat, TJ, but there's no neon, or Coke, in the kitchen here. The next poster thinks 7am is waaay too early to be at work on a Saturday.
Nope. Not cooking at all. Going out to lunch with my mother and then going on the Pt. Loma garden walk. Then will have dinner at my parents. The next poster just heard unofficially from their advisor that they have passed their portfolio and will graduate in May with a masters in library and information science. (I'm starting to work on my regalia today. Already finished the hood.)
Nope! I gratuated a long time ago, i was good in skool The next poster has fallen off the bandwagon, but somehow found their way back on
Well... sort of. The next poster walked today in a walkathon and with their company raised $25,000 for a center for children who are victims of child abuse. (Congrats Godiva!)
No. The next poster has something to say, after reading the following: I was in line as the TARGET closed, and this Mexican couple was in front of me, with this cute little boy. And they wanted to buy this child a Fisher Price toy, but it was too much. I heard the Spanish they were talking and it was because the price of gas had risen so much. I asked how much it was, they said '$24' and I told the Indian clerk, 'Ring it up after they are done there; I'll pay for it, and give it to them.' The mother of the child said, 'You're kidding. Right?' I said, 'No, I'm a preacher; it's what I do. Tell you what, someday, pay it forward.' The husband looked at me, smiled, shook my hand, and was clearly shocked. The Indian lady cashier was also shocked. She was telling me what a amazing thing I just did. The customers behind me, were shocked as well. One said, 'That is the way Christians should behave; good for you.' Hey, it's how I roll.
Nope. It was last weekend and I was busy doing my master's e-portfolio. The next one is in June and I WILL be going to that one. The next poster is enjoying spending the day doing normal house things that they haven't had time to do; laundry, recycling, watering, pulling weeds.
i had to look it up. i think any kind gesture deserves merit unless it was done specifically to attract attention from others. i know TJ did not have that goal in mind. the next poster has swapped positions, and for once is playing the support role during finals week studying.
Nope. (Hey Galaxee and T.J. I had to look it up too. Luckily I had a Bible right beside me because the Middle TN Genealogical Society is working on a project to film and index information stored in family bibles and i intend to let them film this one. It's not my family's but belonged to some family named Gope from the 1800's and I really don't know how I acquired it--) The next poster just thinks that T.J. got a warm fuzzy feeling when he helped out the child and wanted to share and maybe inspire others.
Yes, I do. The next poster is excited about the re-opening of the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park later this year.
Sorta - it's not like I'll be going anytime soon. The next poster's had 3 days off in the last two months, the most recent one being March 16. :faint2: :deadhorse:
Nope. Can't remember the last day off I had besides a weekend Next poster is sleepy from pain medicine and trauma to their leg incurred from a fall in the parking lot at work. Can I just say, "OWWWWWWW!"
No, but I'm glad you did. The next poster has a song in his/her head, and it won't go away. They call me the working man, I guess that's what I am....
Oddly, no. All quiet on the inner front. The next poster just saved $400K. (Don't have to move. Yippee!!!!)
$400K!! Oh, I wish. That's great, red. No wonder you're screaming. The next poster thinks the new Aptera EV looks really cool. (What weekends, Bee? I worked all of those, too. Hence the dead horse.)