Last night I bought my first $4 gas, actually $4.11 for 76 mid grade for my wife's Outback. Anybody else? I'm glad the Prius is regular, its "only" $3.79 where I work, 45 miles from home. The 76 is at Tampa and Nordhoff in Northridge, CA.
Well we buy by the litre. Here in Edmonton it's $1.11 or so per litre which converts to about $4.20 Canadian per US gallon, then multiply that to US dollars and it's $4.12 per gallon of regular. I think it just went up again to $1.14 or so, so it's more yet. I hear on the news it's $1.30 or so in Labrador. How about Vancouver B.C.? I'll bet it's close there too. -THIS- is the second reason I purchased a Prius. The first was to reduce my impact on the environment.
cute. try to get that in your tank! yikes I hurt myself with that image.:behindsofa: btw, regular gas here today 4-24-08 is $3.53 gallon. Diesel is $4.23!!
^^^^ Say it isn't sooo!!!! No !!!! Unfortunately, it's just a sign of things to come.... ^^^^ :lol: :lol: :lol:
$3.83 is the most I have paid so far (that was last week). Most stations are now $3.85 for 87 octane, $3.95 for 89, $4.05 for 91, diesel about $4.20. Still a month to go till Memorial Day weekend!
Hey David - I'm in Edmonton too, and I've only seen $1.179/litre for the last few days. Supposedly you can get it cheaper (and more expensive) in places, but I've yet to see it: Edmonton Gas Prices - Find Cheap Gas Prices in Alberta
Hi All, Filled up on the way home tonight. Highest I have ever paid. $3.759 / gallon in the western burbs of Chicagoland.
It's $3.489 for 87 in most stations around here. But that's up 20 cents per gallon in just a week. I expect $4 by Memorial Day.
Well, I guess we're doing pretty "good" here in Minnesota at "only" $3.45/gallon for regular unleaded.
I paid $3.79 at USA Gas on Scripps Poway Parkway, but i have seen gas off the chart near the beaches, I-5 at Del Mar Heights Road 87 is already above $4
It is $1.179 in Edmonton .. but don't forget, you always have to subtract 3.5cents from the list price to get the actual price, so its really only $1.144. (and another 3.5cents if you have a Safeway Club Card) .. Yesterday I decided to get gas because I had driven 450KM in my current tank, 450KM was the typical mileage I could get on my Mazda 3 before needing to get gas. It only cost me $28 to fill up .. the 3 would have been at least $50 at these prices. It was so nice only spending $28 with gas prices so high! I haven't spent more than $33 to fill up yet I LOVE THIS CAR!!!:bounce:
Paying $4.79 a gallon a few weeks ago for diesel made me trade in my '01 Golf for my brand new '08 Prius last weekend! Couldn't be happier with the car. But regular gas is still pricey here - $3.69/gal - not that I've had to fill up yet!
Yup, he had to put up this topic, and I had to respond. And the prices went up probably as I was typing. On the news they showed $1.22/litre, so that's way over $4 per US gallon! But I use so little now -I- don't care!! What a change from the anti-Prius (2001 Nissan Pathfinder) I had last year! It had to have premium (got better mileage with it - enough to more than make up for the increased cost). So, as I usually fill up at just below half a tank on the gauge, the anti-Prius would cost $60 to fill every 300 km, and the Prius costs $30 every 450 km. (It's still not "warm" out, so I'm still getting "poor" mileage - around 5.4 l/100 km so far on this tank).