I got a bit of a laugh out of these two videos here.... The program proposed back then is just like one I've heard floated recently. The 2nd was about the newly enacted 55 mph speed limit and radar detectors which I guess were new then. Yahoo! I was less than 3 years old back then so I have no recollection of this... The cars are pretty hilarious looking too.
Its pretty sad that Carter was attacked for most of his presidency, and saddled with the Nixon legacy, he was right on about a lot of things, but was ignored, if he had been listened too in 1977, we might be a lot better off today. The one advantage to a Democratic president, forward and intelligent thought.
Completely agree. Carter was before my voting time but, wow, was he wanting to steer America clear of the oil problems we have now. Energy use/production would be less fossil more alternative...for the betterment of ALL, not just a few. Why is that so hard to get going, so difficult to understand? When all are in a better situation, ALL benefit. Who's listening to any of this, though? It gets tiring to hear the overspending, the profits of the few large companies. Is that REALLY good for us ALL? Can't we try something different instead of the same 'ol, same 'ol? The current "system" is not working for a majority of people, believe me.
I think it is sad when people have drank the party Kool Aid so much that they can't imagine someone from the other party actually doing something good. Do you know who created the EPA and OSHA? Believe it or not, Nixon. How much have these organizations benefited our country? Yeah, the Republicans aren't perfect, but the Dems aren't either. You should really be open to both sides and then make a decision rather than just take a party line.
Sad to think we lost 30 years waiting for some forward looking thinking. Can we afford to wait any longer?? :behindsofa: