Got gas this morning and took this pic. of my best tank yet...I hope I can continue to improve but with 80% Interstate I really dont think I can do much better, but I am so happy with this car...
You are doing just fine. Increasing the tp will help year round and blocking the grill will help keep your winter average close to lifetime.
You can do better by slowing down. That will be up to you... MPH or MPG. Another trick is to follow a large vehicle at a safe distance. From my experience, avoid HOV lane to get better MPG. After you past the congestion points, jump back to the regular lanes. Moving in pack save some wind resistance. The HOV lane is also next to the opposite direction HOV lane so you get penalized on the wind drag.
I am running 46/44 about as high as I like to go... I am only going 65-67mph on the interstate... I still had two pips but I dont wont to run out of gas, but think I could have made 500-520 easy... I am going to switch to synthetic motor oil and install my block heater dont know how much that will help MPG..
what was the hand calculation on that tank? I no longer trust my display whatsoever (% diff ranges from ~0 to 11.5) so forgive me if I am a bit skeptical.
The Hand calculation came out 54.9 MPG my Hand calculation's are really close.. sometimes they are better than the display.. I really think the biggest factor is the outside temp. when you are filling your car the warmer it is the more gas the bladder will hold...Example the tank before this one the display said 52.1(482miles on 8.81 gallons) if you do it by hand it comes out to 54.7 so I think it evens out in the long run...
I only average 320-400 before I hit my "2-pip" limit. I got 500 miles once but that was down to 1-pip and I was near 60mpg. Seems some cars either take more fuel on average or their drivers are getting real close to that flashing single pip. I don't take the chance and simply fill up around 300-400miles.
Yes. With prices rising 10c the past week and another 5c over the weekend I'm topping off around half a tank. I also want to see if the MFD's calculation is accurate.
I find that I am able to train my prius to go farther. For example sometimes the pip starts flashing or i get down to 1 pip at 360 mi. I know from experience that I wont put in more then 8.5 gal at this point give or take a bit. So I dont push it but I wait for about 380 or so to fill up. The next time I get to 1 pip or flashing its now at around 380 mi and i do the same thing and get to 400 mi (all #'s in this post are approx dont quote those please, relative #'s are ok though) I find my prius gets out of practice with this technique when I have a really bad tank and it becomes untrained. of course other factors effect this like outside temp during a tank but from experience of this happening many times I can safely say this doesnt totally account for the difference
I've had my Prius since September 07, so the winter months were 44-48 MPG. it has been nice here the last week nad on my last tank i got 52.1 MPG. i think it has to do with the warm weather and the car is now broken-in. I really like this car. I hope to improve as the weather gets better.