Well I didn't see an existing thread so excuse me if it exists. I've seen some other threads for one color. Now it's red's turn. Let's see pics of your barcelona red Prius! I get mine in 6 days so I'll post my pics later In the mean time, this should help me survive
Here's a link that shows pics of my wifes Barcelona Red Touring:http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-main-forum/38510-finally-pics-my-08-touring-prii.html
http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r161/stemchick/smallcar.jpg that's the link to my baby! To be honest, I didn't want red at first, but now I LOVE HER!
I love our "Red Menace"!! I know black was hubby's first choice, but I LOVE Barcelona Red! http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff202/adventurlass/02210021.jpg That's link to one of the pics of our baby.
In 2006 they ran low on red paint so they had to apply less to each car and so we ended up with Barcelona Red instead of the Salsa Red which all real Prii sport.
Anecdotal evidence to be sure but I think it does present the opinion that Salsa Red was the red color Toyota intended and that Barcelona Red was an accident or an afterthought. Muahahaha Ok, sorry. I shouldn't pick on the Barcelona guys.
No pictures yet. My 2008 Barcelona Red Prius is on order with Option Package #3. Dealer says maybe end of this week or next week. I'll post when it arrives. Everyone likes different colors on cars but red and dark red are for me. Can't wait to get the car. Owned many new cars but this is my first Toyota.
Mine is red. I tried to like it. I really, really did. But I feel like I need to wear a leather shorts outfit with fishnets and thigh boots when I get in it. A nice green or blue.....
Here are some pictures of my Barcelona Red Prius. This is the first red car I've ever owned, and I like it. http://priuschat.com/forums/attachm...ius-owner-kansas-city-3-29-08-new-prius-2.jpg http://priuschat.com/forums/attachm...prius-owner-kansas-city-3-29-08-new-prius.jpg I've made a couple of other changes since these pictures were taken, and I hope to get some new pictures out soon. Glad to see a Barcelona subgroup forming. I was feeling left out!
Im with ya on this thread.. Nice to see a Barcelona Red group. I have put some chrome on it, and pin striped the car.. Got gas for it today, took 4.5 gal, and went 280 miles 62 mpg's.. How can you go wrong with a car like this.. Happy motoring to all Gary
What chrome did you add? I saw some chrome door pillar covers on ebay but they didn't have a good pic. I wouldn't mind adding just a couple chrome pieces on the sharp red car... C'mon guys, let's see more pics right in this thread!
Still less than 1000 miles and headed for my second fill and I love it. I went looking for something in blue #2 but all the dealer had was red #2. Hey, I can live with that and now I love it. Oh, right, pictures. First, look to the left for thumb. For a bigger view: Forkner Home Page. No mods except to turn off that annoying interior back-up beep. I planning a write up entitled "First 1000 miles, what I've learned". I hope you all will find it interesting although it is a little long. Read: I learned a lot. Bob