I just opened my new copy of Autoweek and noticed a little article about how Newport Convertibles are starting to retrofit Prius to make them have a canvas convertible top. They say that they are doing them now because of so many customer request. The cost of the retrofit is 12,995, with you supplying the donor car. I think the idea is neat, but I dont think I will be saving for one. I wonder what the change in MPGs is for a convertible. Newport Convertible
Top off, looks like those early 1950's Rambler convertibles that kept the frame up, even with top down. Top on, looks like a 1980's Caddilac Seville with bogus vinyl top, and hunched trunk. I really am for new & different things, but this convert Prius doesn't work for me :nono:
I think it doesn't look that great with those black plastic window gaurds still on. I would assume that it effects the gas mileage quite a bit too
I think it's great because it has 4 doors. You can't find a 4 door convertible otherwise. I'd buy it.
Oooowwww yuck, that's my car and color before the hack job...right down to the Prius vinyl stickers on the rear doors. Don't like it at all.
I bet it would look a lot better if it had two doors, but as a four door car it looks like poop. And those black window frames need to go!
Besides the MPG effect, wouldn't it remove the curtain side airbags, and create a big danger of water getting into the battery area? Even if the top is up there would always be the posibility of it not sealing properly and still allowing water in right?
Escapes me why someone would go through all this trouble to convert his Prius and leave those hideous plastic wheel rings on!
I had the same thought. Only I was thinking dual sliding tabour panels. This would keep the car strong, and would satisfy his/her front seat/rear seat perorgatives.
You should have photoshoped out those black window frames too. :car: Then maybe I would think about thinking about getting one haha