Anyone Have A Rear (Aftermarket) Spoiler On Their Prius? Any pictures would be appreciated! I think it would be like a Prius mullet! business in the front.........PARTY IN THE BACK!!! :mullet:
I take it you mean an aftermarket spoiler? Because all 2004 and up Prii have spoilers, and the touring has a slightly larger spoiler than non-touring models.
From my years of owning a 3rd gen RX-7 (with a "stock" rear spoiler). A rear spoiler: 1. Makes the hatch too heavy for the pressurized lifts to push it up. 2. Makes it hard to back up, as it blocks the view (white cane comes out and drivers door is open). 3. Makes the car look a little "ricey", though not always. Sometimes it looks ok (the stock RX-7 one was ok), sometimes it looks ridiculous (see previous post)! 4. Sometimes it actually provides -some- downforce at legal speeds, though usually not. i.e. Last Supra spoiler provided 80 lbs of rear downforce at 100 MPH, spoiler weighted about 40 lbs. It did little at 75 MPH. Rx-7 one did nothing. Now, let's get positive. Add a front "chin spoiler", made of urethane rubber (so you don't break it). Add a rear diffuser (goes under rear of car and directs air out the rear instead of the sides), which reduces rear lift without adding drag. In fact, a rear diffuser reduces drag by helping to fill the hole in the air the car makes while moving. Of course, both of these begin to have an effect only above about 70 MPH. Do you drive your Prius at these speeds?
I added to my Prius 2007. some people may think that is ricey, I just don't care.