Hi everyone. I baught my prius yesterday.. took it for a long drive. LOVE it! I used this forum alot in my research. Thanks to everyone. ! I woke up this morning and turned off the reverse beep. Unnessary beeping makes me crazy! My mission now to figure out how to upload my phone book into the hands free! Have a Verison voyager. I'm not sure its possible. I'm also going to figure out how to post a pic... Enjoy the day!
Well I don't have our Prius yet, but I did get to drive a friends and you bet I waved to some other Prius owners
People don't seem to wave anymore. To a lot of people it's just another car (yeah, I don't get that either) and there are too many around here to be waving at all of them. Instead I now give them one flash of the high beams if they are coming from the opposite direction. Can't remember getting a wave back if I ever did get one. Too bad because it would bring me such joy.
i have started it here.....sometimes i "beep beep" but if i catch their eye, i wave. we all know we are special!! some people respond and some dont. thats ok....i dont get mad or upset. i just want to acknowledge their wisdom in buying a very cool car.
I wave, but I have only gotten one response, I suspect a lot of it is that we have dark tint and my wave might not be seen. At least that is what I am choosing to believe. It does seem like other people aren't looking out for other Prii as much as I am, but that might just be a function of how long I've had the car.
Back in '91 when I got my Miata the Miata wave was to quickly raise and lower your headlights and almost everyone did it. With the second generation Miata the headlights were fixed and by that time there were so many Miatas on the road the wave died out. It may be the same with the Prius now, there are just so many Prii that it is becoming just another car to many owners (the ones that don't come to PC) and they don't wave. I have waved but only got one wave back
Us Jeepers still wave at each other and that's been goin' on for decades. I've found that most Prius drivers that I encounter drive with tunnel vision and won't make eye contact to wave. They're probably concentrating to hard on their MPG graph.
I used to wave. In '04 it was novel to see another Prius and we would recognize each other. In '05 there were a few more which meant more opportunities to wave and give the "yeah, I know this car's great" head nod. In '06 fewer people waved back to me. In '07 I started getting either the confused "do I know you?" look or the "Oh God, don't think I'm one of you" eye aversion. So I don't wave anymore unless it looks like the other person is going to wave back.
I Wave, I just Love this car so much I cant help it. I must admit I have only ever had one wave back, but that's OK. Janice
I don't even get a second look, let alone a wave, so I've stopped doing it Yesterday morning, I must have passed seven Prii, some sort of Pittsburgh record in so short a time.
I just got my Prius last week and I was thinking the same thing. I also noticed ALOT of people in L.A. have them. Every time I see one I get excited and want to give the "Thumbs Up"! Natty
I wave. I'm excited even if the other Prius driver is numb. We have a lot of Prius in this area and I don't get a lot of waves back, but when I do IT'S GREAT! I also stick cards with the PortlandHSD.info web site info on parked Prius.
Prius folks don't seem to be the waving type. I've given a friendly wave to a few and haven't been waved back at. I try to wave at the Pine Silver Mica Prius drivers to acknowledge their outstanding choice of color, but seldom if ever is it returned. Us Volkswagen "Camper" types wave to each other all the time. Waves are usually mutually exchanged. Us older Volkswagen "Bug" types always seem to wave to each other. Guess the Volkswagen folks have more of a common bond than other people.
I wave, but seldom do I get one back. Thirty-five years ago, when I used to drive a Jeep C-J5, all Jeep drivers would wave to each other. Prius drivers don't seem to be the waving type, or perhaps they are new Prius drivers and can't keep their cars on the road with only one hand. Tom
yep ... back in the '04 good ol' days modernly, your arm would fall off waving at the ton of Prius' now days. However, if an owner is standing near their car, I'll strike up a "how do you like your Prius" conversation ... sharing trick / traps etc
Maybe It's me, I seem to notice another Prius Right after I pass it. I have waived at a few and did get a few waves back. I am starting to get a few Non Prius drives asking me about the car. Two at the Post Office Last week and one at the supermarket. That count as a wave?? LOL
The Prius is so uncommon where I live it is a novelty to see one. There are 5 dealerships in the area and they all told me they expect to sell 10-15/year so it is a big deal when I see one! So certainly I have to wave. That being said, I get a lot of interested looks from other drivers and I wave at them (in their F-250s, Titans, Escalades, & Yukons) as well.