So happy for my Prius! actually it was only $3.999. Hope it keeps going up maybe my wife will let me sell the 06 Highlander and get a EV! Wildkow
I wish it was 1.24 a gal. it's about 3.50 avg right now where i live, and 3.89 in cima. crude traded off today at $112.83! I won't place any bet's on this morning, but 113 or more is likely, but a better chance it will drop below 110.
Wow, I lived in SLO town for about 3 years. and to think I was spelling it wrong the whole time and no one even said a thing. I guess I am lucky they let me gradumatate. I'll be passing through SLO this coming weekend between 30 year High School reunion at Navy Post Graduate School, Del Monte Blvd in Monterey and my brother's house in Nipomo. He has a Finish exchange student, so I am looking forward to showing off the Nokian WR tires. No doubt, no one but me will be impressed. I better go check out the gas prices all along my route to get the best Shell prices, but I will be coming down Hwy 101 through redwoods and Fort Bragg, so I might as well just plan on paying more the $4 per gallon the whole way. See all you Californians next weekend. PS, I'll be giving away my age here, but first prices I remember my Dad paying for gas in CA was maybe $0.239 per gallon. In high school, I remember the pain at the pump as it pased $0.499, Then, while in Jr. College, my roomate came home and proudly anounced he would not be buying any more gas as it had risen to 0.760 that day. Domingo, are you driving a Prius yet?
Finnish? I am a Cal Poly SLO grad also. We used to spell it San Luis Obispo. However, engineers are notoriously bad at spelling.
I live in Morro Bay - but my husband works in SLO - and we spell it the same way, San Luis Obispo. I think the "Obisbo" was just a typo! Yeah, it's hard seeing the $4.02 on the gas station signs, but it doesn't hurt as much since I only usually spend $22 to fill up at the very most! I love my Prius!! FYI - even though it's a tourist town, Morro Bay has cheaper gas than SLO! We're paying about $3.75 here, and in SLO its right at $4 and up.
LOL! Sal Luis Obisbo. I don't know how I did that those keys aren't even close to each other! :yo: Wildkow
Glad to know there are fellow SLO grads here. And I'll try to spell Finnish better. Kind of ironic as I was joking around about Sal Luis Obispo. I used to ride the SLO Transit back and forth to campus from my home at Oceanaire Mobile Home Park on Orcutt Rd.
Hey SLO grads - you got beat by a bunch of high-school kids in this year's Shell eco-marathon . At Eco-marathon, teen driving team races to 2,843 mpg | Green Tech blog - CNET
We are paying about the same here in Sac. I would rather pay it in Morro Bay. A very nice place to live. Trade ya? I caught the Finnish thing because my GF's parents are/were Finns. She is also a Cal Poly grad. I usually rode my bike back and forth to campus in those days. I lived in a couple of different places, but the best was some apts at Peach & Chorro. It was just staggering distance away from Bull's Tavern. arty:
The wife and I used to live down Corbett Canyon near Arroyo Grande. She worked at French Hospital at the heart surgery center and I worked at Diablo Nuclear Power Station as a computer tech. Loved SLO, got accepted at Cal Poly but then she wanted to get her Masters in nursing so off we moved to Fresno. Blehhhh. Wildkow