I think it's the attitude with which the littering is done. Someone who makes an effort to get trash in a can but it blows off the top after they turn their back is fine. Someone throwing thier McDonald's trash out the window of their car makes me as or more angry than any single individual throwing a butt out the window. But it seems almost the accepted norm for smokers to casually toss the butt unless the spot where they chose to light up happens to have an ash tray...indeed they seem to pride themselves on developing a fancy 'flicking' technique to look cool while they litter their butts. Cigarettes are not infrequently found to be the cause of wildfires in certain areas during wildfire season....no McDonald's bag ever did that. In short, because of the number of smokers there are and the larger number of them who routinely and almost systematically choose to litter I do find the littering of cigarette butts more offensive in the big picture. Again, esp. in a time like this you would think that the smoking community would begin policing themselves more aggressively before more of their so-called 'rights' are taken away. Fortunately for us non-smokers they seem to be continuing to help encourage more restrictive laws all the time.
I object to littering in proportion to the quantity or size of the litter. As long as it's not a wildfire area, I'm much more offended by a fast-food container tosses out a window, than by a cigarette. But I'm more offended yet by smoking in public or around non-smokers because the non-smoker is being forced to consume a drug that kills. Well, I'd have been delighted if my step-mother had been jailed, but you are right, there are other issues there. All my family have been law-abiding (except me, with my civil disobedience). Therefore, if there had been a law against smoking in the presence of kids, my dad and even my nasty step-mother would not have done it. So that while there is some logic in what you say, that would not have been the result. But I'm willing to modify my demand: People who smoke in the presence of kids should be reprimanded and warned. If they persist, then they should be thrown in jail. Or how about this: 24 hours in jail on a first offense, and 17 years on a second offense. Yes, I am an extremist against tobacco smoke. In Spain, where nearly everyone smokes, there are designated non-smoking cars on the trains. Many smokers book seats in the non-smoking cars and then go out to the area between cars to smoke, because even the smokers cannot stand the stink in the smoking cars!
Holy lord. I mean really. It is a very small wad of tobacco, paper, and cotton (all three of which biodegrade naturally). When I haul cotton to the gin, more is left along the side of the road than any smoker could ever put out (georgia snow) Maybe you want to make me pick up that too. Besides tobacco money pays alot of our family's bills. I smoke, and I guess according to ya'all I litter too. Nothing pisses me off faster than self-righteous non-smokers up on a soapbox. Worry about something that matters.
When we were in Spain we got on a "non-smoking" car, as usual. Well sure enough someone had the audacity, in the seat right in front of me (one of those where you sit back to back and face to face). Getting ticked I stood up to them in with my very limited Spanish language skills and pointed to the sign over my seat and firmly stated "No Fumar!". The Spaniard casually looked at me and pointed to the "Fumar" sign over his seat. The train car was divide 1/2 for smokers the other half for non-smokers!? We got up and moved to a car that was all non-smoking, but I was still pretty baffled and embarrased...Stupid American Tourist!:der:
And drug lords and their worker's families survive on the profits from the sale of cocaine and heroin too...so we should give more support there? While still legal in the US that does not remove the absolute fact that nicotine and cigarettes are at least as addictive as cocaine (I suspect more so) and nearly as addictive as Heroin. It's also unquestionable that the direct health care costs to society are in the Billions and billions of dollars...and that cost is paid either directly by my tax money or indirectly through higher insurance rates and hospital charges. You've got a major uphill climb to defend the smoking industry. It's certainly defensible to state your personal freedom to choose to smoke just as I choose to drink alcohol, but responsibility to those around you comes with that. And part of that responsiblity is to protect our environment by not littering. If there are specific points we've made that you'd like to rebut I'd be interested in hearing it...I think all of us have tried to be careful to not be completely inclusive that all smokers are so inconsiderate. I know some, in my extended family even, that are so careful about their smoking that I wasn't even aware they smoked for many years. They went off to a private place, they didn't litter, they didn't subject others to their smoke or habit, they were careful about odors, etc. But if you're honest with yourself you'll admit that there are a large number, percentage wise, of smokers who have no consideration for those around them, the impact of their long term health problems on their family, on society, and on those subjected to their second hand smoke.
Wow, I just found a new respect for Bikers too. Why don't those kind of messages recieve a good reception from me? When I was 17, working at Chevron, I had just cleaned up the islands and some drunks drove in and started emptying all their beer cans onto the ground. I casually walked over and started placing them back in the car, so the guy got out and punched me in the mouth. Guess I don't look burly enough.
Doesn't it seem logical to make a distinction between litter that is on fire vs. litter that is not on fire? At any rate, I am offended by anyone who would throw out a gum wrapper, soda can, candy bar wrapper. To smokers, I say "don't blow smoke in my face, and I won't blow fresh air in yours."
Stopped at a gas station just last month and someone was smoking while fueling their car just 20 feet away. I wish I'd had the guts to take the thing out of her hands...but I was afraid of being punched in the mouth. Oh, she had a kid in the back seat of the car she was fueling as well. Not sure if that's stupid, smart-nice person, or what.:scared:
Amazing problem in that people who wouldn't think of littering, casually toss cigarettes and butts out the vehicle window. My fantasy is that every time someone tosses out a cigarette, all discarded cigarettes in a one kilometer radius immediately fly and permanently attach themselves to the outside of the vehicle. Wouldn't take long to deter cigarette littering because the offenders would be readily identified. Sort of a "Scarlet Letter" for cigarette tossers.
1. Well....do you litter? Can't find an ashtray or trash can? Leave it in your car or pocket. Or do you just not want dirty litter in your car or pocket? 2. Then I would really piss you off. If everyone thought about the "little" things like this, it would work it's way up to the bigger "more important" things. Ignorance is no reason....it's just an excuse.
+1 on everything you said in this post! It's my preferred, nuanced view of the subject matter. Also, +1 on the issue of deliberate intent. The discarded cigarette butt is different than most other litter because it is rarely accidental and almost always intentional. However, smokers rarely have any realistic choice. You can easily put a bunched up gum wrapper in your pocket until the next time you see a garbage can. But that's nearly impossible to do with a burning cigarette butt, and problematic with a smelly and messy non-burning cigarette butt. Ideally, I'd like American cities to have public multi-sectioned garbage disposal cans like some I've seen in other countries, or some I've seen outside buildings: one section for garbage; one section for recyclables; and one section on top for cigarette (and cigar) butts. For the surface streets and highways, it doesn't bother me in the slightest to have small sized, essentially invisible things like cigarette butts there. Besides, they give the local Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club and other Adopt-a-Highway folks something to do.
I occasionally daydream about sitting in a geostationary space platform with a big telescope and even bigger laser, casually vaporizing litterers immediately after their act of littering. I suppose it's a bit of an overreaction, perhaps a god complex, but it does bring a smile to my face. Tom
You want specific points. Ok well about the only one that I have, or that I was trying to throw out was that cigarette butts are completely biodegradable. They break down and are gone. Completely gone. I agree that littering is bad, but only for those things that remain intact such as plastics, metals, ect. Oh well, I keep tossing butts out the window, as far as tossing any back into my car well keep in mind that I am a fervent believer in the right to bear arms...
Hey qbee42, I also ride a bicycle and I've had just about every object you can imagine thrown at me while in the saddle - beer cans, trash, food, etc. Please understand the type of person you are dealing with, and then just forget about it. They are not worth your time ... really. I hope this doesn't mean that people will now treat me like I'm on the bike when I'm driving my Prius. At least I'll be able to chase them down better in the Prius. ... Brad
By that line of reasoning, one shouldn't hesitate to throw any biodegradable garbage out the window. Perhaps that is why I see so many paper McDonald's bags in the street. Who cares right? They are biodegradable. Newspapers, magazines, etc. - all eligible to be tossed right out the window. Now, I realize I have taken this to an extreme, but I am always amazed that people who would otherwise never contemplate littering, casually toss a cigarette butt out the window. Lastly, are you actually suggesting that you would shoot someone who dare pick up and return your errant trash to you? Welcome to the wild west.
WRONG Cigarette Litter --Biodegradable? CigaretteLitter.Org - The Facts About Cigarette Butts and Litter - Facts Cigarette Butt Litter- Two Billion Littered Butts a Day research before posting false statements now, in light of the above, are you still going to keep throwing your butts out into the environment?
I wasn't sure about that, so I did a quick check. It seems that you may not be correct: Cigarette Litter --Biodegradable? CigaretteLitter.Org - The Facts About Cigarette Butts and Litter - Facts ... Brad
Yeah, they biodegrade, in about 10 years. They may be made from cellulose, but they aren't cotton. The are made from cellulose acetate, or rayon, a synthetic fiber. Unlike, plastic or rockwool, it will degrade, but in no way fast enough to keep up with the butts being tossed. Besides the things don't magically go out the second they leave your hand. Most of the ones I see on the side of the road, that escaped being squashed, are still smoldering.
I read that in NJ you can report somebody for throwing a lit cigarette out their window. It doesn't have to be a cop who sees it. I've never reported anyone although I've seen it on a number of occasions. I bet the cops wouldn't even know what to do if I tried to report it.
Not that it will matter to our gun toting smoker who apparently feels it's OK to kill someone for throwing the same item he threw, but in the opposite direction. Cigarette Butts: One Huge Problem, Two Solutions : TreeHugger According to ButtsOut, the world annually discards about 4.3 trillion cigarette butts. By some estimates, 30% of all cigarettes smoked end up as litter, and although small in themselves, can create over 500,000 tonnes of pollution per year. Traditional butts are made of “synthetic polymer cellulose acetate†and never degrade, only breaking apart after roughly 12 years. Yet within an hour of contact with water, cigarette butts can begin leaching chemicals such as cadmium, lead and arsenic into the marine environment. There ARE efforts to produce biodegradable Butts...but: ... the biodegradable butt. Calling it the ‘green’ butt is a bit of stretch, somewhat like the proverbial enviro-friendly landmine. But nevertheless it is a step in the right direction. Made of food grade starch, such as found in potatoes and rice, it apparently decomposes within two months. Some are concerned however, that such a development might indeed increased cigarette litter, if smokers now believe nature will take responsibility for disposing of their waste. Remember, as we've said many a time, with regard to biodegradable plastics -- a micro-organism rich compost environment is required for their decomposition. Street gutters and roadside verges are not such places. Finally, even if you were correct and the butts actually are 100% biodegradable AND you doused it in water to be 100% sure there was ZERO fire risk (I'm sure you do those things) it's still an eye sore. I've seen these things in otherwise pristine wilderness areas and had to touch out several that showed up as bright white ugly spot in photos. The bottom line, like smoking in public areas, it's a rude intrusion that others shouldn't have to tolerate. It's inconsiderate of others and THAT is the biggest problem. It's not self-rightous non-smokers that's the problem, its those self-rightous smokers who've deemed that the fact that they smoke somehow gives them the freedom to infringe upon smokers. If smokers had been more considerate...not smoking in public places, not smoking in cars with their children, not dramatically flicking butts in streets or on sidewalks, etc. Maybe, just maybe they're/your rights wouldn't so dramatically have to be restricted now. The smoking population, in large part, has failed to police themselves and thus is now having to be policed through law and ordinances....and don't blame non-smokers, blame yourselves.