This is how much I love the car. We have had a lot of rain the past few days and it was dirty - there was mud on it (the horrors!!). I couldn't stand it. Had to work late, but STILL washed the car when I got home. I have about 20 mosquito bites, but it was worth it (providing I haven't gone and caught west nile disease).
Mosquitoes in Florida? Say it's not so! . . . the brite side? Eventually, there'll be a huricane that'll come along and blow 'em all away. I'm bad. Yep, anywhere there's lots of water ... what can you do. My first trip to FL I notice a bunch of screened in patios every where we went. Makes perfect sense, now. Maybe park the car on the patio!.
garage that sucker, or invest in a decent car cover. That's what i do..i cover the car every other day at least...sometime's I wont drive it for a few days though so it makes's a pita...but till i get my garage cleared out, will have to do...guess im anal.
No guessing involved Matt. :boink: Sam, might I suggest an investment in aeroguard insect repellent and avagoodweekend.
Oh, I have a garage and I keep my precious in it. It can get kind of messy washing the car in it, though. It was dirty because I was driving it in the rain, got mud on it, then it was showered with pollen (in various parking lots).
Well, I do use repellents most of the time, but it doesn't seem to always help. Florida mosquitoes are just like, "Delicious, more please! Could you please add some cilantro?" I'll have to check out the Aeroguard kind... Thanks and you avagoodweekend, too!
What about the electric zappers that generate high voltage and kill bugs that get trapped within. Would that work in your locale?
Well, I would need about 50 of the things to completely surround the house (a bug zapper fence, perhaps). The noise alone would drive me to drink! This is Florida - our state bird should be the mosquito. Trust me, we won't be solving the Florida mosquito problem on PC and there's little that can be done to save us. It is our own fault, we moved into the mosquitoes' home - we think we own Florida, but it is really theirs. The moral of this story is never wash your car at dusk (or go outside at all, barring screened areas). Dusk is prime feasting time for the mosquitoes. I was just so eager to have my car clean again, that I did it anyway. I haven't been able to make it home before dusk any night this week and I couldn't stand for the car to be dirty one more day. It is the fastest I have ever washed a car, though. I did it in 10 minutes flat. :whoo:Supa scrubba!! Nevermind that I'm a walking pustule now - I have a clean Prius...
These don't work for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes are not attracted to light and meanwhile you're killing off mostly beneficial insects. These things should be outlawed.
i'm more worried about all this damned pollen than mud... and yes, mosquitoes are bad here too... but water restrictions mean paying for the auto wash. can't do that right now. sam, you'd go crazy here!
Consider yourself fortunate--I would be more than happy to deal with a swarm of mosquitos while washing my car. But I can't. It hasn't been washed for as year, and may well not be washed for another, given the drought and watering restrictions we have here in the (metro) Atlanta reqion. Perhaps I will have to take it to a comercial car was and watch the rotating brushes do their thing with it's shinny black exterior--or search for one of those brushless-washes. But I really do prefer doing it myself--kind of a bonding experience.
Sam, have you got room for a little pond in your yard? Maybe you could stock it with dragonfly larvae, and then the mosquitos won't be quite so prolific. A few birdhouses might help, too. :frog:
Mosquitoes? I forgot about those things! We only get them a few months out of the year here. They should be coming out in a couple of months. Hope you could see well enough to get the car clean!
I got it!!! Mosquito netting clothing to clean your car in: BuzzOff Outdoor Wear Insect Protective Clothing: Bug Out Jackets and Pants Cool, ventilated, stylish.
They drive around my town with trucks spraying for the mosquito's, so we dont have any around here. Of course who knows what kinds of chemicals are in those trucks. The mosquito's might be better.
Optimum No Rinse Wash & Shine Hi MadHungarian, Living in the middle of Manhattan, I'm also water challenged --- no access to a hose, and no easy access to a car wash. I've gotten pretty fond of using Optimum No Rinse Wash & Shine. I can clean my car using only 2 buckets of water -- a wash bucket with the Optimum No Rinse solution in it, and a rinse bucket with clean water in it. And with its high polymer content, scratches and swirls are minimized. I think it's great stuff. Here's the Optimum No Rinse website: No Rinse Wash & Shine Here are a couple of YouTube videos of a detailer using Optimum No Rinse: