That's always been my feeling about Kow also. I just can't get too mad at someone who keeps holding up a dancing banana. As for the rich/poor thing, the vast majority of the nation's super-rich did nothing to earn their wealth: they inherited it. Their argument is that if a person earns money, she/he should have a right to leave it to his/her kids. The problem with this is that it creates a stratified society which leads to all sorts of ills. It would make more sense for society to adopt the principle that whatever you earn, you can spend, but that when you die, the wealth goes back to the common good. So our resident neocons will ask why I don't give away all my money, and the answer is that until it applies to everyone, there is no safety net. I want a more fair, and a more just society. My giving away all my money will not create that. I would merely be making myself poor. If I gave away all my money it would probably not be enough for every poor person in my state to buy a quart of milk. What's needed is not for me to give away my money, but a systemic change in inheritance laws so that every child gets a reasonable crack at a top-notch education and a guarantee that if they work hard they can have a living wage and a dignified life. The reason this won't happen is natural human greed: Money brings power (though you need a hell of a lot more than I have before you can buy political power -- I can afford to take fun vacations, but I couldn't afford to buy one Congressman) and people with power will do what they can to keep both power and money.
:lol: No no no. That's funny too. It's got to be something that is REALLY ugly or really annoying to look at.
Dead hanged banana's are not funny! You Sir are also a sick sick puppy but this sickness doesn't turn me on like it does in Sam's case. Besides banana's are just not scary, but monkey's? They're scary!
OMG, Wilkow!! I just died my desk...people think I'm crazy now... I can't believe you put that picture on there...hillarious!!! Can't quit laughing...
kow, how many times must i tell you it's not nice to dress up as a banana, go to the mall, and scare people?
Well back on topic, the economy is going to get much much worse, spiraling energy costs, added to the national debt and the three things that are coming due real soon, are going to really put the country in a major hole. In perspective: America's Total Debt Report - summary page - by MWHodges America has become more a debt 'junkie' - - than ever before with total debt of $53 Trillion - - and the highest debt ratio in history. That's $175,154 per man, woman and child - - or $700,616 per family of 4, $33,781 more debt per family than last year. Last year total debt increased $4.3 Trillion, 5.5 times more than GDP. External debt owed foreign interests increased $2.2 Trillion; Household, business and financial sector debt soared 7-11%. 80% ($42 trillion) of total debt was created since 1990, a period primarily driven by debt instead of by productive activity. And, the above does not include un-funded pensions and medical promises. If you add the un-funded pensions and promises, the total US Debt is $65 to $70 Trillion, depending on how much more Bush and gang get to spend and how many more soldiers they wound or kill.
But I can still put on a fake white beard, dress up like a Fat Red Elf and have the kiddies sit on my lap, right? Wildkow
I giggled like a crazy woman as I was posting the picture of the banana hanging, but when Kow made it his avatar, I about died laughing. Touche. :yield: Even Kow's old posts have the hanging banana on them... Thanks, Kow, I needed a good laugh. I don't think anything has cracked me up like that on this site since "That's me in the middle..."
When you change your avatar, the new one appears on all your posts. The avatar is dynamic. (Unlike the signature, which becomes a static part of the post, so that a new sig only affects postings made after the change.)
wow. nailed it. although, i don't really understand why the stock market has rebounded so strongly. cheap money and government stimulas i guess. the deficit and debtare my long term concerns.