Oil settles above $111 a barrel on weak inventory - Apr. 10, 2008 Who else gets a little satisfaction everytime you see news like this? Am I being smug? I smile everytime I drive by the gas station and see the price slowly climb above $4 a gallon (in CA). Also of course this is the case, but another article on the Prius on CNN: The best cars for your money - Best fuel miser (2) - CNNMoney.com
I'd prefer if gas cost $1/gallon. I'd still be paying less than everyone else, but I'd also be paying alot less than I am now.
the main reason I bought a Prius to start with is because now I don't don't have to think about the price so much. That being said I still hate it when the price goes up especially now that the wife is wanting to take my car more often.
Satisfaction? Not me..unless your happy that the economy is going in the dumper. Oh and BTW, your paying the increase too.
I take satisfaction in that I'm getting the maximum mileage I can by driving a Prius, but every time gas goes up in price it still costs more to fill up the tank, be it the Prius or our other car.
Yes, your statement is smug. Do you feel safer saying this here because we are Prius owners also? Not everyone has the means to afford a Prius...some are lucky to own any vehicle at all! I try to never get satisfaction from the misery of others. I'm thankful I have the ablility to buy the most fuel efficient car that accomplishes all the tasks I need a car to do. But I never smile, laugh or enjoy the pain the gas prices bring to people who, for many reasons, have no other choice. Sleep well.
I like getting better mpg of course. But I still take it in the shorts with every other purchase I do have to make. Groceries are more. prices for clothing is more. eating out is more. everything is more now due to spiraling gas prices!
if gas were a buck, you probably would be paying same as anyone else cause the Prius wouldnt be here. our consumption would continue to spiral out of sight, and economic woes would still be upon us due to increased medical and cleanup costs associated with fossil fuels... so we would pretty much still be in the same boat
Hmmm...do you think so? I never thought of it that way... LOL - I guess maybe you could think this is "laughing" at that price OMG - "Oh My God" would be shocked at the price Wth - "What The F#%&" would be anger at the price I guess each of the 3 grades of gas are supposed to instigate a different reaction... Now, ALL grades of gas are Wth!
I bought gas last Thursday for $3.55 Shell Reg. Last night it was $3.69 when I came to work, and as I left work the same day, it had jumped to $3.73. Is anybody going to tell me that a commodity price jump to $111 a barrel, made the gas in the guy's tank jump in price the same day? Anybody who applauds the gas increase, is blind to the whole impact on our economy that will bite even the smug Prius drivers all kinds of ways, besides at the pump. By the way, with all the lay-offs, failing companies, etc., when was the last time anybody heard of an oil company having lay-offs, or going out of business? It must be the safest place to work, especially as an executive.
Nice avatar animalcontrol! hwell: I don't feel bad at all when oil and gas prices go up. I still see tons of people running around by themselves in their full size pickups and SUVs. When I see a landscape resembling a more european sensibility, then gas prices have gone high enough.
Don't worry Bearsilber, I'm with you. I do feel smug when I pass by a gas station, but I do feel for the minimum wage making people out there driving pos gas guzzlers because they can't afford better cars.
definitely! the only people I enjoy watching at the gas stations are soccer moms in H2's and Escalades. my wife drives our Honda minivan and it seats more than an H2 and still gets 28mpg highway.
It may very well just be the poor PC'er that you are "correcting" was simply feeling good because THEY don't have to feel such a hard hit via poor MPG's ... not that they're thinking, "serves you right, you skumbag low mileage car owners" ... do you see the difference? Carefull how you point (accidently?) the finger of condemnation, as it may sound like you're doing the same thing towards the one you're (accidently?) condeming. btw, I tried to say that as warm & fuzzy as possible, so that I'm not (in turn) doing the same thing. In any event, I know THIS PC'er loves getting 50-60 mpg. And if gas went down to $1/gallon, the SUV biz would again go back to full steam ... and that's reason enough for many, to find a bright spot in high prices. Let's face it, many that COULD take a bus, DON'T because a bus is less convenient than the inconvenience of high fuel prices. Public transit MUST become a priority (as it is in Europe & Asia) as our cheep fuel begins spiraling ever upward.
I don't like seeing or paying for expensive gas, but the Prius does take some of the sting out of it. I see this relentless and inexorable increase in the price of oil/gas to be inevitable, we should have seen it coming (and some did) for a long time and I'd guess that any thinking man or woman had to know that this day would come, just as the day will come when it hits $5, $6, or even upwards of $10 per gallon, and those days are not very far off. I hope that I'm wrong, but think I'm right. No, I take no joy in seeing people who are being hurt by this, and it is going to affect all of us more and more with the ripple-effect through the entire economy as the price continues to spiral upward. Sucks. So does old age and death. And that's kinda what is going on with oil, supplies are dwindling where demand is, or ought to be, increasing, and too many of us (myself included) lived like the proverbial grasshopper for too long. Satisfaction? No, not at all. Resignation is closer to the descriptive that fits me.
I get satisfaction when I see a new Prius (or any other efficient and practical vehicle) roll off of the dealer lot instead of a gas guzzling land yacht. High oil prices have helped that. But I get absolutely no satisfaction out of the fact that the increase in oil prices is helping our economy into the toilet. I get no satisfaction out of the fact that a declining standard of living is what it has taken to get people to wake up and recognize that we have been abusing the resources that this planet has given us. What gives me the least satisfaction is the fact that it isn't over. One more dollar on the price of gas (and we'll see it) and it costs me the same to fuel my Prius as it did to fuel the 25mpg sedan when I was driving it four years ago. That sure makes me glad I never hopped on the SUV/truck bandwagon, but it doesn't make me want to gloat over high oil prices in the least.
I absolutely see the difference...and I do appreciate the "warm & fuzzy" way you stated it. You are a much better statesman than me! With that being said (here we go), when the OP asked if they were being "smug", I viewed that to be "serves you right, you skumbag low mileage car owners". If I was wrong, I apologize. If I was right, then the OP is a member of the "Holier than Thou" Prius owners club--a club than does nothing but undercut any goodwill this Fuel Economy(FE)/Enviromentally Awareness car/group creates. For years I refused to purchase or consider a Prius because of the rabid, "Holier than Thou" Prius owners I knew who constantly told anyone standing still how "If you don't drive a Prius, your an idiot (aka smug)" or "I'm better than you because I CARE more about the environment...see I drive a Prius!". I learned to ignore them and bought what I believe, to be the best car FOR ME! I'm glad I did but they still get under my skin. It's OK to be proud of this car and yourself for purchasing it. But when you assume anyone not driving a Prius doesn't care about the environment or isn't as "smart" as you are, you belong to the "Holier than Thou" Prius owners club and IMHO you hurt the cause you are trying to support. This board is full of "...even a SUV/truck owner can figure THAT out!" or "THOSE people..." comments. I think it's wrong to paint everyone with such a broad stroke.... <steps off his soapbox> FLAME ON!