What's up Root? I did work at Redding Medical Center and now work at Queen of the Valley Hospital in Napa! I still have my home in Redding and work in Napa 2 weeks out of the month. I don't remember your incident, but I will ask some others if they do? Do you know RV and Moon? Rusty
NorCal: The only anesth I remember from Redding is one who went there from Tucson after I moved to AZ. I believe his name was Paul Scipione, or something like that. He came from Univ of AZ hospital and took with him the "Vecuronium Cup" which was won by the Univ anesth softball team vs. the anesth team from Maricopa Medical Center in Phoenix. My company was then selling Norcuron (vecuronium bromide) and we sponsored the game between the two staffs in April. 1989. Shortly thereafter, this doc left for Redding and took the cup with him.
I'm a 911 telecommunicator! I get to tell the cops where to go! April 13-19th is National Public Service Telecommunicator's Week, so be sure to call your 911 personnel (on a non emergency line!) to say you appreciate them!
Program Manager - I do planning, schedules, budgets, etc in a high tech industry. However I'm now semi-retired working 20 hours per week until August when I will fully retire. Yea! John
Commercial real estate. Office properties exclusively. (Formerly, chronologically - banker, CPA, waiter, and lifeguard. Wish I was still getting paid for getting a tan.) My kids think I'm the guy that makes the pancakes every Saturday morning.
student....about 6 months away from a PhD in biological oceanography. My thesis is on size-based analysis of fish communities under natural and anthropogenic stress.
Medical records coder. I read the charts and assign the diagnosis and procedure codes so the hospital gets paid. A little-known, in demand profession.
Control Room Operator at a coal fired power plant. I know.....I know.......kind of ironic for a guy that is trying to be green!
Interesting. Do you have an older control system, like Bailey INFI-90 or Honeywell TDC 3000, or something newer like a Emerson DeltaV PlantWeb or Siemens PCS7. Any HART or Foundation FieldBus? I do a fair amount of control systems, always curious what is out there
I see you're also on the "professional student" track ...I'd like to hear what your topic is as well. Send me a PM, I won't bore everyone else here about the minutia of what I do. But I do think it's pretty neat.
customer service and skating instructor at San Diego Ice Arena, student, and currently in the application process with the San Diego County Sheriff's Department