Shopping for: 08 Blck/Ash Pck #6 Im seriously thinking of driving up to north cal to get the deal that was talked about here. Looks like Northe Cal dealers giving out better deals thatn Socal dealers.. as Longo offered $26995 (2 wks ago) for pck #6. Ive been reading other socal posts... but no one really came through and beat the deal. Trying to avoid saleman's game here. i'll probably down half and finance the rest via my Credit Union unless Toyota Finance can beat the rate.
You won't get a better deal than at John Elways Crown Toyota in Rancho Cucamonga I believe, off of the 15. I live in Orange County and drove out there to get my package 2 prius. I bought my 2008 Prius the day it hit the lot, i believe it was Sept. 23rd, and paid $25,000 out the door. That is, after tax, registration, everything, the car cost me only $25k. My payments, $460 a month, the amount I save on gas, $550 a month. Not faulty accounting I promise, I am Jewish!
LOL. I love your last quote. That is a great deal!! Care to give me how you approached the salesman? WHo do you recommend?
The guy I went to was named John Napolitano. I said... "Here is how much a prius costs on . Can you get it to me cheaper than that?" And he was like, let me see what I can do. And then we went from there. I am a haggling machine (young, broke, jewish...again) but I didn't even have to haggle. I just had to wait it out. Enjoy the occasional awkward silence, because he wasn't moving as fast as I wanted him to, and I was in like a dirty shirt! I just convinced my cousin to buy from the same guy about 1 month ago. Same great deal.
GUys, I can beat those deals all day long. I am a licensed bonded auto broker and I get Prius's every week for my clients. I know where to get them and where to get the best deal. I am not a sales person i don't care if you get a honda, Volvo, ferrari or Ford from me. I just facilitate the deal between yu and the dealer. There is no dealer BS, no haggling, you tell me what you want and I get you the best deal in California. try me. Plus I need used Prius's with HOV stickers, I have 12 buyers for them.
Best deal so far in Socal and Northcal is $24600 for 08 Prius Pck6 non touring. It is from Concord Toyota. By end of April, I am pulling the trigger.. whether I fly and drive down... whatever it takes... Socal deal sucks.. all dealers want $26600 or higher for Pck6 non touring.
Simi Valley had the package 6 non touring for $24,878 over the weekend. I posted it on here. Call Russ Monteath at 805-526-7500 to see if he still has any left. It'll come out the same or cheaper than if you had to fly up to NorCal.