Bought out first Prius about 3 hours ago, came to this site immediately ( a co-worker and Prius owner told me I had to get on this forum) Our Prius comes off the truck on Tuesday, I am soooo excited...cant wait to get rid of the Dodge Grand Caravan. We went with Driftwood Pearl for the color, I think it looks sharp. Package #2 Glad to be a part of this forum, I hope to learn a lot Thanks all -Matt
congratulations... why don't youcome by larz anderson tomorrow...
Congatulations you will love your new prius I have only had mine one week and love it..Got my windows tinted and just ordered a block heater from the prius shop..Read up on how to get the most MPG's and you will be amazed at what this car can do..I got 51.8 MPG average on my second tank and am at 54.2 on my third tank.. I think they all look good no matter the color...My only complaint is the seats they are not very comfortable...PLease post some pics of your new ride...
Thanks! I can't make it tomorrow but FOR SURE will meet up with you guys next there a section for us Boston members? Thanks Matt
there's a new england post and a Boston post (the one I linked to in the previous post).. I think that's it for now... I'll post info up there tomorrow after we all meet up and let you know when the next one will be!
Good luck with your prius.. You can find a wealth of information here..Remember to check your tire presure, and keep them around 45lbs. Since i kept them at 45lbs. I have been getting 54-60.5 mpg's..Hope to see you at a future meeting,since you wont be able to make it tomorrow.. Gary