Quite right. My bad. I edited the earlier post to correct it. There are indeed 16 avoirdupois ounces in the 'regular' pound, but only 12 Troy ounces in a Troy pound, meaning a pound of feathers is heavier than a pound of gold - even though an ounce of gold is heavier than an ounce of feathers.
The only reason I had to wait until 2008 (well actually September 2007) to get my Prius is because Toyota wanted to get the perfect color.
I really wanted the Mag Grey, But had to get the Classic Silver for the deal i was offered. My previous 2 prius's were both silver.
Why is the magnetic grey very popular? I haven't bought mine yet. I initially liked the silver pine mica. But, I'm not dead set on it. Should I get the magnetic grey for a better resale value since twice as many people seem to prefer it? I'm going to bring the car to Canada. With the snow, I thought I shouldn't get the silver or white. Any advice from other members who live in wintry places?
Color choice is such a matter of individual preference and "eye of the beholder" stuff that trying to give someone color-choice advice is pretty fruitless. I really don't think that there is a "bad" choice where it comes to Prius colors, they all look pretty decent to me. And I highly doubt that magnetic grey Prii are going to be worth more $ a few years from now than, say, a red or white or black one. I'm personally partial to the silver pine and have not for a moment regretted my choice. Besides, why would you want to get a car color based on what other people might like? To thine own self be true!
^totally agree! Got white cus its no nonsense easy to maintain and flies under the radar Although, if I wanted to be unique I would go Driftwood Pearl with bronze Volks
Salsa is still the best of the reds. The other one looks like a candied apple. So many of you don't know how long it took to even get a car that was the color you wanted. I always wanted the Tideland green, After waiting 8 months I was offered a white. I figured I waited that long I might as well wait for what I wanted. I then was offered the Salsa and when I saw it I knew that was the car. It was a total wait time of nine months just to get a Prius. I'm wondering if I should be putting my name on a list now for the 2009 if it's a plug-in? I'm due for an oil change this week guess I'll ask my rep if I can do that.