I'm self-unemployed, currently working as a part-time caregiver for my father on hospice, as general manager for the company he started a year before he went on hospice, and a struggling actor. Oddly enough, the acting is the only thing bringing any money in. Thank God for a wife with with a clinical doctorate. . . .
I own and operate a family campground. My "other" car is a 35 foot motorhome. Now, if they'd only make that a hybrid!!
Broadcast Systems Engineer for a TV Station.Its a fun job for someone who hates riding a desk. I never know day to day if I'm going to end up atop one of our two 1400 foot transmit antenna's or up in our helicopter or laying upside down in one of our 10 live trucks. Used to be alot of component repair but nows its all about hooking boxes up to networks.
I teach at a large university college (soon to be a full-fledged university) half-time and chair the department in which I teach the other half. An interesting aside ... the former dean of my division, who is now retired, bought a Prius shortly before leaving--lots of socially conscious individuals in academe, I guess.
lowly shift supervisor in a corporate alarm monitoring station for a large family owned corp. 155 liquor stores in Fl.
I'm retired, so now I do a bit of house painting, electrical work and repo cars for pocket change. I install car stereo systems as a hobby and do a host of other car related work. Training dogs in agility, herding, and obedience takes up a lot of my free time.
Hey NorCal Rusty: What hospital do you work in as a perfusionist? Before I retired I sold Zemuron to anesthesiology and lots was used in cardiac procedures. I was in AZ since 1988 but started in Sacto and called on Redding, etc. That's why I recognized Mt. Shasta in one of your photos. If you are old enough, you might remember a pharmaceutical rep robbed at gunpoint at the Redding Holiday Inn in April 1972. It made front page of Redding newspaper. That was me.
I'm a graphic designer working for a branding/design firm in Houston. The last firm I worked for there were two other Prius owners. At my current firm my creative director and another designer are planning to buy Prii soon. Sometimes we all park in a row, which will be a nice little statement out front.
Don't do anything now for a living except drive down to pick up my pension cheque. Used to drive a Canadian naval ASW destroyer but since it became technically obsolete I retired and bought a Prius.:spider: Gary