Fry's sells a real nice Ventilated Back Support, two per pack for under $15.00. The product is Designed & Distributed by C&H Global Products, Vernon California and seems to go under the name of If you dislike your seats as much as I do, this is an inexpensive improvement.
I have some sciatic nerve problems with my low back (disk bulge at L5-S1) and I recently purchased a "Back Rest" self-inflating low back support pillow. It is nice because it is small so it can be moved around easily, I can add/remove air on the fly to adjust comfort, and I can easily take it in any car I go in. Here is the link:
I have one of those. I use it when I fly. But it's too slippery for driving. I have a nice mesh support over a wire frame. I like it a lot. Have three. One for the car, one for work and one for home. Mesh back support
The picture posted above is the one I was referring to. They sell them at Fry's Electronics and their number and description is 5411829 Back Support Grey 2PK Mesh Grey BS-11 F C O Item : 4KAMM. Price is 14.99 for the two pack.
Thanks guys. Back support is always such an idiosyncratic thing. What works for one person's back may not work for others. But this particular mesh back support works for my back perfectly, so thanks again for the tip. I've also been crushing on sheepskin seat covers for over a year now. But with my finances being what they've been lately, I've been very reluctant to spend $250 for nice, custom fit sheepskin covers. So I was in Ikea yesterday, saw their $19.99 genuine long hair sheepskin and thought that for $20 bucks it was worth a try. And lo and behold, I like it! And an added plus -- I think it's much better looking than the mesh back support alone:
What works for me is to push my rear end back into the seat. The seat has good lumbar support when I do that, but not if I just plop down. I have a small rear end, so I suppose this might not work for a larger person. Tom
I know. They've since been moved. My brother gave me a sheared sheepskin one for free. You can buy it online for around $40 (he bought it on sale a long time ago for $20). I like it. Because of the shearing and added padding, it's more comfortable than the first:
Sheared Sheepskin That sheared sheepskin seat cushion/cover I last mentioned above is available online. AutoBarn now has it on sale for $39.99 + $7.99 shipping, in your choice of beige or gray: Genuine Sheepskin Seat Cushion There's an additional strap near the top which I elected not to put on for now because I wanted to be absolutely certain I didn't interfere with the side airbag. Don't really think it would though (the link says it will not interfere). But I'll probably relocate/re-sew that strap somewhere else just to be safe.
Welcome to the world of people who find comfort in sitting on the skins of a sheep Tom. The long wool sheepskin just isn't as good as the tight fleece of a shorn skin. I think an inch thick is great or a little longer(25 to 35mm), the idea is to sit on the ends of the wool fibres so each one is like a little spring.
Hey Pat, Yes, that sheared sheepskin is much better (but I do like the funky look of the longhairs). I liked the beige one I got for free from my brother so much that I just blew $50 for a dark gray one to better match my gray interior. Would love to have the nice custom fit Australian merino wool ones that you Aussies have, but I have to watch how I spend my dwindling funds.
My dark gray sheepskins came in today. Thumbnails below of: (1) the mesh back support alone, (2) then covered with the beige sheepskin, and (3) then covered with the dark gray sheepskin.
That's the exact mesh back support I use. BTW if you're looking for a new home for your beige sheepskin.....I have an ivory interior.
Hi Godiva, Yes I bought that mesh support from eBags based on OP's and your advice. It works really well for my back. You know, normally I'd send you the beige cover for free and just ask that you add a little more to your charitable donations. But because my brother gave it to me, I feel pretty obligated to give it back to him -- notwithstanding that he has owed me thousands of dollars for over 15 years now. That's kind of what we do in my family ... that same brother gave me his 1969 Chevy Malibu SS 396 in 1972 when I first got my driver's license. BTW, I actually think the beige cover looks better than the dark gray cover in my gray interior.
I don't suppose you have a link to the item at Fry's, do you? I've searched Fry's website for the past 40 minutes and can't find ANY reference to the item. Boy, I hate their search engine. When I searched for Back Support, it wanted me to buy back-up drives.
I bought one last night. Half of the Fry's employee's didn't know they carried them. When I did find them they were in the music section on the floor under the CD racks. Cases and Cases of them.