OK folks, new member, first problem!!! i beleive most of us here love our music, and for me since i drive A LOT, i usually make playlists on a disc with MP3 files! before going on a road trip, my budy tried to load it, but after about 30 seconds, noticed that the factory mp3/wma radio was NOT reading the MP3 disc but my other "burned" audio file NOT mp3 cd's work just fine! anyone else ran into the same problem? if so what is wrong and how do i fix it? thanx in advanced
make sure you are making a plain data disc in normal iso9660 format. make sure you dont nest folders too far. make sure your mp3 files are encoded in a format that is understood by the prius head unit. to test, I would make a new data disc with like 2 folders, each folder with like 2 songs in 128kbs mp3. good luck
The main issue with ISO 9660 is that folders cannot be nested deeper than eight levels. Another issue can be the number of files in the root folder. I don't know if this is an ISO 9660 limitation, or just an issue with some implementations, but I recall having trouble in the past with too many files in the root folder. It seems like the limit was 512, but it might have been 256. Either way, try making a small test CD with just a few folders. Tom
Itunes was my problem. It doesn't use the MP3 format which stinks to me. Then I used Itunes to convert to wma, but could still only fit 20 or so songs on a cd. The files were HUGE! So, I had to find the original CDs, or create CDs from Itunes, upload to Windows Media Player, and then take those files and burn on a WMA disc. Now it works Great! I really do HAVE to have my music so it was worth it to me, but a HUGE pain in the butt!
i love apple, but yeah the MP3 files issue kinna sux, i burn wma files they work fine, ut as mentioned i can only get 16-20songs per CD...sux!!! good thing i have the auxiliary iPod connector thanx again everyone
I did burn an MP3 disk in iTunes that worked fine in my 08 JBL system. However, the default setting in iTunes is Audio disk, so you have to go into the settings to indicate that you're burning MP3. Here's the path: Edit > Preferences > Advanced tab > Burning tab
Another poster in a similar thread was having yhe same issues and didn't realize that some discs were being burned as data and needed to be finalized. They can still be read by your computer so they look fine but they can't be read by anything else.