Don't know if I could ever pick a favorite of his. Some of my favorites are I love "Moribound the Burgermeister," "Blood of Eden," "Family & the Fishing Net," "Games Without Frontiers," & "San Jacinto," but all of his music is fantastic.
NPR - I used to only listen occasionally, perhaps in the morning, but now I rarely change the station. My CD changer usually lies dormant. Even when we plug the ipod in for road trips, it is usually filled with episodes of "This American Life" or "Selected Shorts."
since ive been playing rockband on PS3, ive downloaded ALL the regular songs on my iTunes, and been rockin out to em in my Prius woohoo:rockon:
I love NPR, too, but I haven't had the car very long, so I've been into music music music for the four weeks that I've had it. Such a nice sound in the car. I still listen to NPR while I make dinner (All Things Considered).
Green Acres: Green Acres Green Acres - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia green acres tv theme lyrics Green acres is the place to be. Farm livin’ is the life for me. Land spreadin’ out so far and wide Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside. New York is where I’d rather stay. I get allergic smelling hay. I just adore a penthouse view. Dah-ling I love you but give me Park Avenue. The chores.The stores. Fresh air. Times Square You are my wife Good bye, city life. Green Acres we are there!
nobody's mentioned hendrix? tell me i'm just missing that post. i just stuck the prodigy's "music for the jilted generation" in the changer on the way home today. great to drive to, but a real blast from the past.
Heyyyyy Joe...where you goin' with that gun in yo hand? Heyyyyy Joe...where you goin' with that gun inyo hand? I'm goin' down to SHOOT my old ladeh...cause I caught her messin' round messin' round with another man... Yeah, I forgot about Hendrix. :hail:
Today was a laid back in relfection day filled with: Ray LaMontagne I love his timeless style and easy lyrics. Here are a few of my favorites. Empty Be Here Now (haunting melody) Can I stay
DragonForce is awesome metal. It definitely gets the amp and the sub warmed up. DragonForce makes me drive fast, though. . I have a bunch of DragonForce on an SD card for the soundtrack when I play Excite Truck on my Wii. It goes so well with it . I particularly like cruising to CCR or Queen. Otherwise, I'll kick it with the Mars Volta or System of a Down.
Pepe Romero - Concerto de Aranjuez for Guitar and Orchestra (Academy of St. Martin in the Fields with Neville Marriner. One of the most dramatic classical pieces ever written for guitar.
funny thing with drum and bass, typically i thought it would keep me up for my drive from socal to norcal, but about 3/4 of the way, it seemed like it was like hypnotizingly making me sleepy? weird