1. I would like the rear defrost and wiper blade to work on more of the rear window. 2. I wish the view to the rear was less obstructed.
I would prefer to be able to lock the glove box. I have heard that there are numerous other cars out there that do not have lockable glove boxes anymore. I don't understand it.
I hate having to turn the cruise back on everytime I restart the car. Also does anyone else have problems putting this car on ramps? I ended up spinning the tires and kicking the ramps under the car. Never had this issue with other cars. Overall I really love my Prius though.
MRFISH67, i totally agree! what happened to all the locking glove boxes? to push it further, would it be nice if the SECRET COMPARTMENT also locked??
I've honestly never used any locking glovebox that has been in any of my older cars. I think it would only be a deterrent to honest people riding in your car -- not any determined thief. Besides, I never use the mechanical key now that I have SKS. The keys only leave my pocket to lock the front door of my house when leaving for work.
I've had cars with locking glove boxes and have never used them. IMO, a locked glove box is not a deterrent and really is just another thing that a determined thief will break--easily--to see what's inside.
My 2002 Jeep TJ (Wrangler) came with the ability to run with the fog lights on and the headlights off. It does put the running lights on however. Therefore, I am not sure about the illegality of this. It also does not allow the fog lights to be on when the high beams are on - something I don't understand as fog lights light up the ground right in front which is useful when there are critters running around. Tomes
I agree with #1 and have become used to #2. #2 is actually useful in that headlights do not bother me in the rearview as much anymore in the Prius. Tomes
I would like the key fob to know that I am driver #1 and DH is driver #2 and adjust the seat and also show the difference in MPG my DH gets vs me. He thinks he's a better driver than I am and I disagree so this would help!
I'm not thinking of the locked glove box in terms of deterring a hardcore thief; I would just like to put my parking permits and other small things in there when I get the car serviced so I don't have to stuff things into my cargo shorts or into some dumb plastic bag that I can easily misplace.
just got in and i agree again, the locking glovebox is NOT for thieves. i realize very clearly that whatever they really want, they can get, but it's merely for locking things for valet, or delaying that inevitable break in, maybe the locks will deter or delay them for just a few seconds, in which would help. the locks would help in that way only. when i had locking glove boxes, I USED THEM.
I have had my '08 Prius (part of the magnetic gray club) for 30 days now.... and love it! I had the dealer install an after market bluetooth for my phone...works okay..... i do have something wierd happening, and don't know if it has something to do with the bluetooth or not... After driving my car for about 5 minutes, the radio 'pauses' for 7-10 seconds or so, then works fine? Anyone had this issue (or it just may be my bluetooth thingy) Also, have heard that tires (what size) other than the OEM makes the car drive much nicer, more stable etc. What about the stabilizer I keep hearing about....is it worth the money? Love the car!...having fun filling up only once a week (drive 100 miles to work and back) instead of twice (with MORE gas!)
I have the BT Tech plate. It makes a difference on my 04. the new ones drive much better. My tires made a huge difference. keep them light. Here's a post about lightweight rims. Keep them light.
Seems to be a great car (after only3 days), but the owner's manual is pretty horrible. Speaking of lights, here's one example: pg 151 = light sensor sensitivity can be changed-->P 488 pg 488 = light control...settings level 1 - 5 and delay 0, 30, or 60 secs... see P 150 haha! No explanation on how to do it. Just a mild catch 22... Many more.... sheesh...well, I'll figure it out.
Todays marks two months of owning my Prius, just turned 5000 miles yesterday. I really love the car but there are a couple of things that I think could be better 1) the fabric on the center console does not look like it is going to stay nice for long-I'm trying to think of a solution for this 2) the manuel should say the car has a fuel bladder not "tank" 3) more adjustable seats would be nice, but I'm starting to feel more comfortable in my seat everyday 4)it does really blow around in the wind I'm loving it though!
1. OEM tires did not provide good traction in inclement weather; replaced them when car was fairly new with better traction tires for rain/snow. 2. 12 volt battery that goes bad can totally disable the Prius (will not allow you to start the car (can't use your Ni-MH traction battery), unlock the transmission/wheels into neutral for tow, unlock the back hatchback, etc.). This happened to my wife and she had to be "towed" to the Toyota dealer (on a flatbed truck - never tow it with front wheels on the ground). Luckily, all this was covered under warranty. The people who came to tow her car would not "jump" the 12 volt battery even though that is possible using terminals under the hood (not directly to the battery in the "trunk"). They are somewhat afraid of the Prius with its electronics, possibly putting the cables on backwards (polarity) and frying the electronics, etc., and told her their Boss said "no jump" for this car! 3. In very slick conditions (snow/ice) the CVT (I think more accurately the traction control) can shut the car down and you won't go anywhere. Has happened to me twice when I was leaving the train parking lot in winter with slick snow on the ground. 4. The fuel gauge (gas tank bladder) is really hard to decipher and instead of relying on the remaining "bars/pips," I refill when it's at about 1/4 on gauge or usually by mileage. Other than these issues, I love the car.
But think of the algi that'd grow in there, better throw in a couple suckerfish (placostamus{?sp} ) to keep it clean. My only gripe was that the EBH wasn't stock equipment, at least here in the south western states it wasn't ... and a hassle to do it yourself, though a feeling of acomplishment, once installed. The higher mpg's is nice too.
I put a small towel on the console arm rest. This keeps the body oils from getting in the fabric. The towel I got is real close to the color of the arm rest.:noidea: