Yeah, Blamy, that was Edwards Deming who pitched his philosophy to the Big 3. They told him to take a hike. He did... to Japan. Japan adopted Deming’s customer service and quality control philosophies and are now the world leaders in almost every technology except nuclear. Sadly, even today, the Big 3 still emphasize quantity over quality, and they hang on to the 1940’s management philosophy that every employee is a thief and every customer is an idiot. They still count on consumers thinking it’s anti-American to buy Japanese. The consumers who thought that are now too old to drive or dead from preventable American car defects and rollovers. I think it’s anti-American to allow one's self to get screwed by the Big 3.
It certainly looked different than other cars in 2004. Nowadays, however, I'm seeing a number of fuel-efficient cars with styling similar to the Prius's. It's a case of form following function. In the case of the Prius, the form follows from trying to lower the amount of drag. Ugly? Not to my eye. The ugliness of the Hummer 2 is also a case of form following function. In that case the function is to evoke feelings of manliness as you pretend you're a Marine while driving to Dunkin' Donuts. The form that serves this function is a Humvee body slapped on a Chevy Yukon chassis. (The effect is enhanced if the driver wears camouflage boxer shorts.) Ugly? To my eye, yes.
I have had three women come up to me in parking lot's asking how I like my car and if they can look in it. I use to drive a Mustang GT and only men came up to me to look at my car. So I guess the Prius is a chick magnet. I do like the looks and so do MOST of the other people I have talked to. The few people that do have a definite "do not like" opinion seem to be shallow and seem to not share my values............
Hi All, The Demming story I have heard goes like this. MacArthur was the military law commander of Japan. And he was making speeches on the radio, but very few Japanese heard these speeches, because domestic Japanese radios were very poor quality at the time. So MacArthur sent off to the USA for a Quality Engineer to help the Japanese electronics industry. They found Demming at the Western Electric plant on the west side of Chicago (where my Grand Mother worked). He the travelled to Japan, and the rest is history. Demings main contribution is Statistical Process Control, including control charts.
got some heat while sharing my new car at my other forum: LotusTalk u can see the entire thread here: my new "green" mobile - LotusTalk- The Lotus Cars Community
Again, people are stupid and are willing to believe anything that fits their social worldview without researching the validity of the information.
is there some kind of info you can share that stomps these accusations out? would love to share it with the "haters" thanx
LOL at this comment on the Lotus board. When they ask you why you didn't buy a diesel, ask them where you can buy a new TDI (hint: you can't). I have a similar thread on the Ford Explorer board. Anybody Else own a Hybrid? - Ford Explorer Ranger Enthusiasts Serious Explorations "First they ignore you, then they mock you, then they fight you, then you win." M. Gandhi
^LOL thanx, although its gone quite of course on the other thread, its a bit funny and a bit sad that some people are really just so "closed" minded they even tried comparing it to a 90's civic 4spd with vinyl interior, claiming it gets 40mpg, no thanx ill take my 45+mpg prius anyday, it has the right amenities and is very comfy to boot!!!
There is a section here just for that sort of info but you need to spend some time reading. The cool part is it is easy to understand and remember so you can easily explain yourself to the nutcases and then direct them to other sources for the factual information. I recommend looking at the Prius vs Hummer "sticky" post in the Hybrid News forum as well. The more you look into this stuff the more rebuttals you will find and most of them are from reliable sources. Just be careful what you quote because sometimes even environmental groups can be untruthful or biased. lol
They like to compare the Prius to the 1980s H9onda CR-X HF as well but they fail to take into account the fact that the CR-X was a TINY car, was very unsafe compared to the Prius, was slower, and produced more pollution. These people fail to look at every aspect of a comparision and they simply focus on the data that supports their preconceived conclusions. F8L beat me to it.
That one came up in my Explorer board thread too. But the person that posted it at least admitted that it was a rolling death trap.
Just found another bashing area ona blog site called "what white people like". Most of it is pretty funny except for the section on the Prius--not too accurate besides.
When i bought it gas was around 3.40 and every one of my friends was saying "Did that care come with a neutering kit, or did the dealer take care of that for you?" Now, that gas is $3.65+ stories have changed although people still give me crap for buying a response, lets take a look at my Fuel Consumption....52.4 ah kiss it haters
The best answer I have for people who ask questions out of ignorance is to ask them questions back. For example, "Do you have to plug it in?" My response might be, "Where did you get that idea?" Or "Did you know Toyota is working on one that will plug in so we can get even better mileage?" I find asking questions will quickly silence those that attack. Ignorance isn't stupidity, it simply means they are not fully informed. Asking questions is actually a gentle way of allowing them to admit that they don't know what they are talking about. Try it. You'll be amazed at how much you can get done with so little a response. jd