What is the color of your Prius? It would be interesting to see what are the most popular colors in this forum. I got these straight from the Toyota website, they did not have one for the Spectra Blue, the darker color so I added it to the poll.
What's with the two Spectra blues? I think there's only one. I think you should add former colors like Tideland Pearl and Salsa Red (and other former colors if there are any).
Cars are colored with pigmented paint, which means the colors are subtractive. White contains all of the additive colors, as in mixing colors of light. With pigments it works the other way around: white is the absence of all pigment or color, where black is the presence of all color. Other colors are merely black missing some component; white is missing them all. Tom
I'm generally fair complected during the winter but get a mild farmer's tan in the summer. I do try to use sun screen as much as possible though.
So, if we're talking colours of light, we can argue that because white light contains all colours, and black is obviously a colour, then white is black. But, if we're talking colours of paint, we can argue that black is white. Hey, have you heard the real story about the old ounce of feathers joke? :faint:
Which is heavier; an ounce of feathers or an ounce of gold? Gold is measured in Troy ounces, which are about 31 grams. Feathers are measured in avoirdupois ounces, which are about 28 grams. So, an ounce of gold is heavier. Which is heavier, a pound of gold or a pound of feathers? There are 12 troy ounces in a troy pound, and 16 avoirdupois ounces in the other kind of pound, so a pound of feathers is heavier.
There are two types of Prius owners: those who own Seaside Pearl those who don't but want to Everyone knows the best colour is blue.