Here are some Bumper Stickers available for PRIUS drivers: NEW! Add a EURO Bumper Sticker to your shirt order : PRIUS ENVY Shirts and Gifts for PRIUS owners! :
Those are cool, there are tones of cool Prius stuff there:
Are most bumper stickers still made out of the "really sticky adhesive" that you can't remove, or are they more the "static cling" type? These look like fun.
Hi and thanks. I have gotten some good feedback and had fun creating them. They always spark a comment or question if I really 50+ MPG. I quip that sometimes I only get 48! I feel bad for the guy behind me in rush hour traffic who only gets 19 or 20mpg or even a measly 30mpg :lol:. The bumper stickers are not the cling type. They have adhesive like all bumper stickers. I have changed my sticker a few times. They peeled off easily enough by grabbing a corner then slowly peeling it off. The area under the sticker was naturally cleaner than the rest of the car, but otherwise was fine. I then put another sticker over it. I had them on the bumper not the body, so I may not recommend it on the paint, although it would probably peel off that as well. I'm not trying it, so if one of you try it, let me know what it does to the paint job! Hey, why not let everyone know? Many don't even know it is a Hybrid ("Hybrid? What's that?") I know you will like displaying these shirts and stickers. See ya
Here's another possibility: Go to your local craft shop and buy a sheet of magnetic material. Apply your bumper stickers to that, cut it out. You can then put them on any METAL part of the car and remove them/move them whenever you want. Doesn't work on the aluminum hood or the plastic bumper covers though. Never tried it on the Prius, but do this all the time on my Eclipse. "Purge, You'll Need It" Just make sure the car is CLEAN first so as not to scratch the beautiful paint underneath. And if you leave them on too long they start to "bond" to the paint and become hard to move. Good for temporary use, not good for long term. Jack