I've had my 2008 Prius for a month now and I love it! I was thinking today that although I do love this car, it is not perfect. Just wanted to hear from others about your complaints. Here are mine thus far: 1. The front seats do not provide the lumbar support that I need.(I'm 6'3") 2. Sometimes I hear a rattle coming from under the dash just to the left of the steering wheel. 3. Wind plays havoc on driving this vehicle. 4. I drive with my left arm resting up on the drivers door. The piece of plastic there doesn't feel as secure as it ought to. 5. There have been a couple of times that the starting of the ICE wasn't as smooth as usual-no big deal here- I'm being really picky. Again, I LOVE THIS CAR! The good points are too numerous to list. I'd like to hear from everyone concerning their pet/peaves. Thanks,
I always buy a Mars Bar when I fill up with petrol. I miss my fortnightly Mars Bar and I am losing weight. It's the only one I can think of, sorry. I don't really buy a Mars Bar every time I fill up, I made that bit up.
Hi I've had my Prius for a couple of weeks now and I'd really like to have a telescopic steering wheel! Other than that I really like this car! Jon
Watch out; if it's like the 2004-2005, that's only painted. If you use suntan lotion, it'll take the paint off.
1. Try this: http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-main-forum/41386-great-back-support-your-seats.html 2. The hard surfaces bounce sounds around and can obscure the source. Try opening and closing the all various cupholders and so on, or re-seating the little trays inside the glovebox and center console. 3. Your reflexes should adjust to this in a few weeks. I wish that defrost would not default to outside air when turning the car ON. Also an adjustment for the steering wheel lights would be good.
On Long Drives 5 or more hours . The front seats do not provide the lumbar support that I need. Also would love to move seat higher and lower. That's about it.
Hey what ever happened to "vent windows"? They really do provide a great breeze when you don't need the AC. We have those little triangular front-side windows. My girl-friend says we should put goldfish in there. :fish:
They went out with good aerodynamics. It's more efficient to move air with a fan than to pay for the increased drag. Tom
Although I've only had my '08 for 4-1/2 months, I've driven over 10k miles in various weather and these are my complaints: (1) Wind & larger vehicles slap this car around. Having cargo in the back to weigh it down helps. I've noticed NO IMPROVEMENT with installing that BT 'stiffening' plate. Might consider the other BT add-ons. (2) Having the traction control shut the tires when I was skidding actually was dangerous when I was in snowy weather. Bad enough we don't have lower drive gears, don't shut down the wheels too! Also if I hit a bump while braking, the car will actually accelerate slightly before catching itself. You have to be careful about that! (3) Fog lights are not independent of the main lights. Does that even make sense? (4) Front defroster can be slow. I hear this is a Toyota issue, in general. (5) Aux plug inside the arm rest is a poor placement decision. This is lenghty, but don't think I don't absolutely love my car! I love my Prius more than anyone I know! (My girlfriend gets jealous sometimes).
None from me the car met all my expectations and more. I was hoping for telescoping steering wheels but the driving position is so comfortable that I don't miss it.
I have owned my Spectra Blue Touring 2008 for a little over a week. My major complaint is the lack of comfort in the seats. I get a neck/shoulder ache as if there is great stress in that area. And I need more thigh support. I am considering getting someone to put washers in under the seat to see if tilting the seat up a bit will offer more support. The car itself is so much fun and I am learning so much every day. I understand that the fog lights work with the lower beam but not the brights which is understandable in fog.
RE: Being tossed about in the wind. Better tires. BT plate (but, not as much as better tires) The OEM tires have lousy dry/wet traction. Seriously. You will be amazed at what decent tires will do for this issue.
I find all the air-conditioning and heating settings to be harder than non-digital controls. I like my old manual dials, easier to do with my eyes on the road. Why does the AC always come on?
I have no significant complaints on my Prius. I wish I had DRL for now. When the weather warms up, I am seriously thinking of doing the fog lamp mod so I can turn it on w/out turning ON my HID's.
I miss the "auto on" headlights my Chevy truck had. But no big deal. When I think I might forget to turn my headlights on, I just leave the switch in the on position. Does this cause any damage?
Yes. In the U.S. it is illegal to run fog lights without headlamps. Don't blame Toyota for this one. Tom
This seems to be a common question... I guess the key is not to think that AC is for cooling exclusively; it is for both cooling and heating. If it is 32 degrees Fahrenheit outside and you set the AC for 70 degrees Fahrenheit, the system will heat the cabin until it's 70 degrees and then maintain that temperature. Conversely, if it is 90 degrees outside and you set the AC for 70, the system will cool the cabin until it's 70 degrees and then maintain that temperature. To maintain the temperature, the AC will cool or heat, whatever is necessary. This is why you may find sometimes that the AC will do something unexpected, such as blow cold air when it's actually cold outside. For example, it may be around 50 outside but the interior of the car, after having been parked all day in the sun, is 75. The AC would then come on for a little while to cool the cabin to 70, even though it is a little cool outside. I don't have my Prius yet (hopefully today), but it seems that the AC system on the Prius is no different from that of my current car, a Mercedes-Benz C230. On that car, I set the temperature and then forget about it; the car automatically adjusts either way. One more thing about this system that I assume is the same in the Prius: it will blow air (hot or cool) at whatever speed it thinks is necessary. On really hot days, it will blow cool air quite strongly until the cabin has cooled sufficiently.