Today i opened the door when i was in "D" and the red triangle came up ok thats not a bad thing warning that i am stil in D.. BUT on the MFD the message came up that when i am in "N" the car wil not recharge te HV battery... but i was in "D" only opent the door for a sec... is this normal or do i need a software upgrade?
ok but i was in "D"not in neutral and it tells me to not put it in "N" i was not in "N"... software program mistake
It really is normal for it to say that. I don't know WHY it says that, but it does. Others have mentioned this before.
It's a red herring error. It doesn't make sense, but that's the message that comes up. It scares the bejesus out of you the first time, but it is normal. Tom
i did not panic i keeped it cool even opened the door several time's to check what was going on! maybe this is a good thing you never leave the car in "D" when exiting the car. ( when you maybe on a small incline road the car wil stand stil )
The Prius one of the only cars on the planet that will move under power when its in D and the engine is not running. Toyota probably made the only decision they could in this case, to keep you from getting out and having the car run away.